Prologue 2: The Outer Court Ladies- edited

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Just as Mother said, Pluto appeared to me the next night.

"Princess Serenity, I'm so happy to see you again."

"So am I, Lady Pluto. Please tell me, are any of my Ladies awakened?"

Pluto smiled, "Yes, the Outer Court Ladies have already awakened with the exception of Lady Saturn. However, that is to be expected."

"I am glad that Lady Neptune and Uranus are already awakened. However, I do not like how Lady Saturn has not."

This shocked her, "I know that having Lady Saturn appear means it's the end of the world. After all, the last thing I saw was her Scythe ending the Moon Kingdom and all other forms of life in the Solar System. However, you must remember! It is thanks to Lady Saturn that we are alive again; she is the Lady of Death and Rebirth. We must not fear her!"

Lady Pluto smiled, "I understand your wishes. I will send Lady Neptune and Uranus to you tomorrow during your dance lesson. We can talk about Lady Saturn then."

I shook my head, "No. This is one of the things I won't back down on. Lady Saturn is to be the leader of the Outer Court Ladies. I want the four of you to come to me together. I can wait until then."

"As you command, your highness."

"You know I hate being called that. I am an ordinary girl now, call me Usagi."

Pluto simply smiled and drifted away, leaving me to wake up. 'I will get her to call me by my name, sooner or later!'

Mamoru laughed, 'It's too early for you to be awake, my love. It's only six in the morning. Sleep, I will wake you up at eight thirty.'

'Thank you, Mamo-chan.'

Lady Pluto awoke from her sleep and smiled, "It seems that our princess has changed. The future looks brighter than it has ever before, Silver Millennium will return to life; this time the Earth will be a part of the Moon Kingdom."

With that she opened a portal to her home; which she shared with Lady Neptune and Uranus. She stepped in and passed through to see their living room. Inside, Lady Neptune was practicing her violin while Lady Uranus was going through her Karate stances.

"Michiru, Haruka, the princess has a mission for us."

Both ladies' eyes opened wide.

Lady Uranus, also known as Haruka spoke first, "Are you saying the princess has awakened? Wasn't that supposed to happen when she turns fourteen?"

Lady Pluto smiled, "There were two futures I saw before the Moon Kingdom fell; one was where Princess Serenity was awakened at the age of 4, however she kept her act as a stupid and clumsy young girl until her reign as Queen Neo Serenity began. The other was when she awakened at the age of 4, and revealed her true self soon after the battle with Beryl and Metallica was won. I believe that this future is brighter than the one expected."

This time, Lady Neptune also known as Michiru spoke up, "If that is what you say, then it must be true. Tell us, Pluto, what is the mission that Princess Serenity has for us?"

Lady Pluto smiled, "Her mission is to awaken Lady Saturn and make her the leader of the Outer Court Ladies. She believes that she is a sign of hope, rather then the destruction we all saw."

Michiru smiled, "That's just like our princess, to believe in the good inside everyone rather then the bad."

Haruka nodded her head, "What do we do after we awaken Lady Saturn. I'm sure she knows that no one has ever tried to talk to her before."

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