Chapter 40: Holy Chalice

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Hotaru POV

I stay quiet as I watch the outer ladies hold in their emotions. Setsuna seems to be able to hold it in, rather she reminds me of my past self. Michiru is visibly worried about our princess, constantly looking into her newly acquired talisman.

"The Aqua Mirror must have powers other than those meant for combat. If only I can master it, then we might be able to help our princess." She whispers to herself.

Haruka isn't able to hold it in anymore, she punches the wall as hard as she can. With her innate physical strength, and her being our main combatant, she easily punches a hole in our wall.

I sigh and heal the scratches on her hand, "Haruka, I understand your frustrations. I've only recently gotten to know our princess well, and I feel as if I could destroy the world because of how it constantly puts her in danger...Dangers that we couldn't protect her from.

So I can only imagine how much you all are suffering, with how much closer you are to our princess. However, we can not lose hope. Not yet, we must fulfill our mission. Otherwise, our princess will not come back to us."

As I was able to continue, there is a knock on the door. Setsuna opens it to reveal the inner ladies, their partners (aka the shintennou) and our prince.

"I want Mars to help Neptune figure out where they are keeping Serenity's heart crystal." He explains as they all invite themselves to our place.

"Mam... I mean Prince Endymion, even with the location, we don't have enough strength to get it back." I realize how he has entered prince mode, as he ruffles his hair.

He looks as if he hasn't slept the whole night.

'He probably hasn't slept since, despite knowing that he needs sleep if he wants to carry out the plan he's made.'

"We don't have to fight them head on. We'll use sneak in and get out of there." He explains.

Everyone listens as he tells us about the conversation he's had with Queen Serenity.

Setsuna steps forward, "I agree with the plan. However, I disagree that everyone should join this mission. The inner ladies should stay incase they attack a different location, including the princess during her unconscious state."

Prince Endymion replies, "Queen Serenity has taken her to the Moon Palace. She says that Serenity will be able to retain more energy in her homeland. But I do agree that we can't leave the civilians unprotected."

The inner ladies all have different opinions. It seems we'll have to figure out how to split the roles of defending and infiltrating.

'The inner ladies won't be satisfied if they aren't allowed in the mission at all.

'Jupiter is on par with us so, it's safe to bring her with us. We'll need to keep Mars with us as a scout, which leaves Venus and Mercury to defend.'

I express my opinion, and everyone agrees with the plan. The Prince orders his generals to split into 2 teams as well. The first team will help defend with Venus and Mercury, the second team to infiltrate.

"We need to act fast. Even Queen Serenity cannot keep our princess alive for long." Mercury urged.

"You're right. We leave in a few hours." The Prince stood and left to prepare for the rescue mission.

Time Skip:

We've split into two teams: one will head east and west. The team that will infiltrate the east side of the mansion is: Neptune, Jupiter, Nephrite, Pluto and myself. The team that will infiltrate the west is: Mars, Jadeite, Uranus, Endymion, and Zoisite.

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