Chapter 2: Lady Mercury- edited

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—————Inside Usagi's secret office————

Time: 1 Am: 2 weeks later

'Let's see, using the imperial silver moon crystal I can see where all my Ladies are and how strong or weak they are. The crystal shows me the brightness of their star seed which determines their soul's purity and power limit.'

Mother said that I don't have to go find the ladies since they will be drawn to me by destiny through the Goddess or God of each planet. Luckily Mother told me they would appear my the order of planets except for Jupiter and Venus. Jupiter who is actually an Outer Court Lady and Venus who will act as my decoy.

Meaning, Mercury will arrive first. Our first enemy attack (in Japan) was just 2 weeks ago, I wonder how soon she will appear. Oh, I give up. I should just check her location using the crystal...but Mamoru said I can't because it may give my identity, not to mention my location away. What should I do?!'

Luna approached me with caution, "Usagi, is something bothering you?"

"Well, I just kept thinking of what Mother told me. I know that Mercury will be the first one to approach me but I don't know how she is right now. Are her powers causing her trouble or are they still asleep inside of her? When will I get to meet her? Is she even in Tokyo?"

I try to calm down when I realize that I let my emotions control me. Mamoru has been sending me emotional support the whole time I was asking Luna questions that I'm sure she doesn't have the answers to.

"I don't know princess, however you can find the answers yourself through your bond with the Ladies. Just think of them without using your crystal. Think of their planet, their past appearance, their power and position in your heart. That alone, should be enough to let you see them."

I almost slapped myself on the face, 'Of course! I might not be able to sense their star seeds but I can sense them through our bond! Their life essence, emotions and where they are...all I have to do is use our bond!'

I close my eyes and picture my first Inner Court Lady; Mercury. She is the Inner Court Lady in charge of the planet of water and intelligence; she also has control over ice.  Her hair is short and naturally blue as well as her eyes. She loves reading, so she was named the 'Team's brain'.  She was my best friend, protector and fellow princess.

'I see it! It's gradually entering Tokyo and nearing the area of skyscrapers. It seems she's been reborn into a family of wealth.

However, her light seems to be dim, maybe she's grown mentally weak. If that's true then I need to help her regain her confidence and light. I can't have her entering battle like this; she'll not only be in risk of danger but there's a chance she can be harmful to the team as well. Her power's haven't awakened, but that means that she might not have full control of her powers when they do awaken during her first battle. This is not looking good. I must find her fast!'

"Princess, it's already past 1, you must go back to sleep. I will wake you up at 7, so you can be ready for school before your mother calls for you. Remember, I may know the truth but no one else must know until you gather the ladies."

"Alright then, come sleep with me, you must feel cold sleeping on the ground. I'll have my parents get you your own bed soon."

"It's alright, I will sleep beside your pillow, I don't need my own bed."

"If you say so, but if you change your mind let me know right away."

"Understood. Now let's go to sleep. A princess must have plenty of sleep if she wants to remain beautiful for her prince. Not to mention you have to stay healthy since you're now a Lady as well."

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