Chapter 22: Trust in Calaveras

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Usagi POV

I managed to teleport us all safely to the temple. Once seeing that there were no enemies around, I started meditating to transfer everyone's injuries to myself. As a result, I started receiving burns and scratches.

"Sailor Moon! Why are you transferring their injuries to yourself? They should be healing on their own!"

"They aren't healing fast enough. I've been injuries for an hour at most but, they've been injured for more then ten hours. It means that they had even more serious injuries."

Soon enough, the imperial silver crystal appears in front of me. I can hear Rini gasp, "I knew it! You're!"

I opened my eyes to see her crying, "mama~" her voice wavered.

I smiled, "I'm sorry for keeping it a secret."

"You knew? Since when?"

"The moment Mamoru and I first saw you."


"He's Prince Endymion."

"Meaning in the future he'll be King Endymion...papa!"

I nodded my head, "We are so happy we have the chance to spend time with you."

She ran to hug me, she squeezed me with all her strength. I happily received it, despite all the pain in my body.

Grandpa Hino seems to have heard us talking: he came out and saw us.

"Grandpa Hino, don't worry about Rei. All of her injuries have been healed."

He frowned, "Healed or transferred to you?"

I laughed nervously, "Transferred to me..."

He looked angry for a moment but later on sighed, "I appreciate all you caring for my granddaughter but, please take care of yourself as well."

"Will do!"

Five hours of healing had me well enough to move. However, I used the crystal too much and was exhausted.

"Looks like we'll need some help."

I called over Lita and Minako. They seemed very angry at me for leaving them behind.

'I don't blame them. I'd be angry if they did the same...'

Minako helped Rei into her room. Then the both of them helped Mamoru and his knights to their apartment.

'They must be exhausted helping everyone back to their homes. But we have no choice, they won't wake up no matter what we do. But they'll wake up by tomorrow.'

Minako helped Ami back to her apartment, meanwhile Lita carried me back home. She sneaked us back in through my window.

"Please don't make this a habit of yours."

"I'll try not to."

Time Skip: One Week Later

Mamoru and I took Rini out to the recently open cake store. We talked about many things, and asked her about her childhood with our future selves  as her parents.

"I fell but mama wouldn't help me up. So I asked papa to help me but he scolded me instead. I don't think I was a good daughter, maybe they don't love me...."

My eyes widened in shook at her last words. I kneeled in front of her. My hands wiping her tears away I stared straight into her beautiful ruby eyes, "Never EVER think that!"

She jumped in surprise. Lowering my voice I said, "I think the future is just wanted you to realize how strong you are. You're 8 in our moon age. But you're still 200 years old in our earth age. That means you should be strong enough to get up on your own."

Mamoru wrapped his arms around her, "Usa's right. We know ourselves, and we would never hate you."

I nodded my head, "After all, you're my daughter. But I have a question: are you our only child?"

She nodded her head, "Why?"

"I wanted to see if we ended the curse."

Rini nodded her head, "You did. Papa told me that I was going to be a big sister before the attack."

I smiled happily, "Thank Goddess Selene! Oh Rini, we love you so much! If you ever doubt us, think back to your memories with us."

She nodded her head, "You're right! Everyone is so nice to me, that I feel warm when I'm with everyone."

I nodded my head, "We feel warm when you're with us too."

We were having a nice family moment when a droid attacked.

"I'm starting to get annoyed at the timing of these attacks. Mamoru, watch over her."

"You'll need help!"

"Don't worry, I can handle a droid by myself!"

However, to my surprise.....

It wasn't just a droid but, a droid along with....

"Surprised to see me?"
"How did you?"
"Sapphire-sama saved me."
'Perfect! Now if only I can convince him to change!'

Just then, I got a message from Ann, 'Princess, it seems that Rubeus is in a relationship with Calaveras.'

'Then let's see if we can have her convince him to join our side. Can you bring her here?'

'We'll send her right away.'

With our link cut off, I dodged an attack from the lightning droid. Quickly moon dusting it with my normal attack, I faced Rubeus on a one-on-one battle.

I jumped out of the way, only to hurt my ankle.

'Usa! I'm coming to help you!'

'NO! You need to protect Rini. Don't worry, I have an ace coming down.'

He was clearly confused.

Just as Rubeus was powering up for another attack, Calaveras ran in front of me.

"Rubeus-sama! Please Stop!"
"Calaveras! You're alive?"
"Yes, princess Serenity saved me from death. She purified me and accepted me into her kingdom."
"How can you betray us? They tried to destroy us while acting as if they were good!"
"You're wrong! I've been working alongside Queen Serenity along with my sisters. I have proof that they sent us everything they could. Even things we didn't ask for!"
"Then why didn't we receive them?"
"I don't know, I think someone stole them for themselves."
"But who's wisemen."

I got up to try and solve everything, "Who is this wisemen that I've heard so much of?"
"He's a sorcerer with a lot of power. He's the reason we could attack the future Crystal Tokyo."
"Why do your think he's responsible for all this?"
"Because Sapphire-sama has suspected him for along time. If he had the power, why didn't he save us? Why tell us to seek revenge rather than destroying the peace everyone wanted?"

I nodded my head, "Will you help us resolve this misunderstanding?"
He nodded his head, "I'll put my trust in Calaveras."

With that, he was purified.

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