Chapter 42

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Usagi POV

"Wow, is this how you looked when you were a kid? Your hair looks shorter and more golden compared to when you were in princess form?" Shingo asks.

"Pretty much~ I'm glad that Luna gave me this disguise pen in case of emergencies. My hair changes to a more silver or gold shade depending on which form I'm in. The disguise pen is using my memories to recreate my hair from a few years ago. Does it hide my mark?"

"Nope, it's still there. But at least you look like a Lady Moon fan, people will probably think you have a sticker on your forehead."

"You're right."

"But more importantly, when will you return back to normal?"

"I'll have to gather the Inner Ladies and Mamoru. I can't fight too well in this state but, it'll be bad if the enemy gets them too."

"So you're keeping the Outer Ladies and the Knights in the dark? Then you'll tell them if you can't handle it?" He looks at me with a 'really' look.

"You're right. I'll handle it myself."

"NOT WHAT I MEANT!" He slaps himself.

"I was joking! I'll stay with Mamoru until the ladies and knights have defeated the enemy. We don't even who they are, so it'll take a while."

"Right, anything I can do to help?"

"Did you see the monster?"

"I didn't see much but they had an upside down, black crescent moon."

This news shocked me, "But who could possibly...unless it's her? If it is, then everyone is in danger. I can't let them know what's happening."

"Sis? What are you mumbling about?"

"I'm sorry Shingo."

"What? Sorry about what?" He looks at me concerned.

I take out the crystal, "Silver Crystal, hear my wishes and change his memories."

"What! No way!"

He tried to resist but, being young his mind was too weak to resist the crystal.

"So what do you think caused your powers to go haywire?" He asks me.

"I'm not sure, maybe I pushed myself too hard lately."

"That does make sense. The crystal might have turned you into a child to relieve some of the stress."

'I'm sorry Shingo. But I have to deal with Queen Nehelenia by myself, without anyone else, it's my duty as the Moon Princess.'

"Then, are you going to stay with Mamoru until your body is back to normal? Because our parents will freak out if they saw you like this."

'Now that I know who's behind this, I can't let Mamoru know what's happened.'

"No, I don't want him to start thinking of me as a kid. I'll stay on the Moon, with Queen Serenity. Being on the Moon might help me recover."

"Got it, I'll just tell our parents that you went to Mamoru's place for a while."

"No! They know where he lives. I'll just call them and say I'm staying with Setsuna."

"So you'll tell Setsuna san everything?"



'She is the only one who I trust to keep a secret. Now that I think about it, I sure am a hypocrite. I told her off for keeping a secret from everyone else but, here I am doing the same.'

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