Chapter 9: Endymion, The SPY-edited

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Setting: Usagi's House
Usagi POV

'Mamoru...' I try to send him a message through our bond.

'Usagi.' I heard through our bond.

'It's weak but I hear him!'

'Mamoru! Are you okay?'

'Yes, my crystal has finished healing me but...'

'But what!'

'Beryl...She's trying to brainwash me with negative energy. Luckily, you put up a barrier to protect me from it. I think I can use this opportunity to spy on the Dark Kingdom. I want to see how much energy they've gathered and if we stand a chance against them.'

'Alright, but be careful my love.'

'Usagi, I think the next time we meet, will be as enemies. At least until I can find their weakness.'

My heart broke, 'Mamoru...I understand. I will tell everyone else.'

'I'm sorry.'

'It's fine, as soon as this is over, I'm going to have more time with you.'

'Also, you can use my crystal' power through our bond. I'll do the same whenever Beryl tries to brainwash me or when she attacks me if my cover's blown.'

'Understood, I'll release them today.'

'Please, stay safe.'

'You too, please, don't let her too close to you.'

'Don't worry, I'd rather blow my cover then let her that close to me.'

Our connection got cut off and I heard Luna calling to me, "Usagi! It's almost twelve."

I check the time, "Oh, you're right! Hurry, we need to meet the girls!"

-------------Time Skip: In front of Moon Kingdom-----------------------------------------

When we transported back to the Moon, I felt sad.

'All of this destruction replaced the beautiful, proud and peaceful Moon Kingdom.'

After I finished looking around, I started to do what we came here for "Now then, first thing on my list is to... Ami and Minako, please hand the stones over."

"No!" They both yelled.

"It wouldn't be fair."

"We'll wait until Mamoru can come back."

"Thank you but that's unnecessary. In fact, we will need them- now that Queen Beryl's getting serious."

Reluctantly, they handed the blue zoisite and green malachite over. I entered my princess form, reached through our bond, and summoned the Golden Crystal to my side, "Please, Golden Crystal...Release them from their prison."

Soon, the crystal shone bright and the two mineral gems disappeared and instead two men appeared. Both of them bowed to me immediately, "Your Highness, Princess Serenity. Please forgive us for not being able to protect him when he needed us the most."

"Please raise your head, you need not apologize. It is for the best that we have a spy there. It just happened to Mamoru, that's all. Now then, time to make your vows to your prince, through my bond, I will be able to connect you two with him. You will also be granted new powers."

They nodded their heads and waited for me, "Zoisite, from your past, the King gave you the nickname Genbu- the reason your uniform was and is green.
I hereby grant you the powers associated with the constellation of Genbu; the Black yet Green Tortoise. These powers are associated with the element water. You will keep the powers that you have received from Beryl but train yourself in your new powers.
I will also give you a new title; you are now Zack Shintennou, in charge of the North as you were before. However, your duties won't include anything to do with the North until the time for Endymion to accept his throne comes. As the one using the powers of the Black yet Green Tortoise, you are under the season, Winter. It doesn't really mean anything special but, it should help you with training."

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