Chapter 30: Infiltration Plan

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Lita POV

I'm baking a cake when the door bell rings.

"I wonder who it is?" I clean my hands and open the door.

Immediately, I hug the three ladies.

"Whoa there!"

"It's nice to see you again, Lita."

"I smell something good!"

I pull them inside and lead them to the dining table, "I'm baking a cate for Nate's birthday. Have a seat! I was going to call Usagi over to have her taste test for me, but you guys can do it."

"We'd be honoured!" They all shouted.

I laugh at the scene, "You know, back in the Silver Millennium we were all so stiff. It's nice to see you relax like this."

"Well, we were all lonely in our castles. But now, we can protect our princess on Earth."

"We haven't been able to go back to our planets, but even if we did, our castles are probably destroyed."

"To be exact, they would be physically destroyed but the energy is still there." Hotaru adds in.

I sigh as I place the first cake on the table, "You guys haven't changed at all. I take back what I said. It's only been a few minutes and you're already taking about our duties."

"My, I disagree. You talked about the Silver Millennium first." Michiru said before gracefully taking a bite.

Meanwhile, Haruka is sipping on her coffee, "We just came to tell you that a new enemy is here."

Hotaru takes a huge bite out of the chocolate flavour, "They call themselves the Death Busters. Their goal is to look for the three pure heart crystals."

"Bunny said she knows who they belong to, but won't tell us."

I think hard about it, "Our princess is pure-hearted. She's saved almost all of our enemies."

Everyone nods in response, "It makes us think she's one of them. We also think that Pluto is one of them. She's always sacrificing herself for her duty, yet she's staying near the time gate more than usual."

"Not to mention, she's part of our group but has been less active lately. It's almost if she's waiting for the right moment." Hotaru adds with a sad face.

"How strong are they?" I ask while serving the second cake.

"Haruka, you should save room for more. Knowing Lita, she has at least two more cakes coming." Michiru says while sipping her tea.

I laugh happily, "It's true. I still have a strawberry cake and a coffee flavoured cake left."

Clearing her throat, Haruka takes a slice of vanilla cake rather than the chocolate. "It's not my fault she's good at cooking and baking."

Hotaru answers my question, "We can handle them for now. Michiru and Haruka have been taking care of all the monsters so far, but they will get stronger. So we want you to continue protecting the princess while we focus on our mission."

I sigh heavily, "You can't be thinking of working separately are you? Usagi will hate that idea."

"We would love to work with you, but we're more than enough right now. We'll be taking care of finding their hideout and the mastermind behind all this."

"We heard from Usagi, the Inner Ladies have gained their Planet Power."

I nod my head, "We've finally upgraded to match your attacks. We should be enough to handle the monsters on our side."

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