Chapter 39: Motoki Knows

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Tuxedo Mask POV

No longer able to maintain her transformation, my love turns back to her civilian form. With no choice, I cover her with my cloak and carry her to my place. Everyone else scatters back to theirs.

However, I didn't expect Motoki to be at my place, "Who's there!"

I debate on how to go about this.

'Should I keep my identity and just pretend I'm dropping Usagi off? No, I can't risk him thinking she's dead. I have no choice if I don't want him to report to the police...I mean, I'm sure we can find a way to make him lose his memory of tonight but...won't we have to tell him sooner or later? Usagi has Shingo who knows, so it should be okay if Motoki knows. He's a brother figure to both of us.'

Making up my mind, I take my mask off, "Hey, I didn't think you would be here. How did you get it?"

"Wha- Mamoru?! Why are you wearing a Tuxedo Mask costume? Is that Usagi in your arms? Oh my god, please tell me that you guys are not into cosplay"

As we continue the conversation, I put Usagi down on my couch and cover her with a blanket. I hold one of her hands and continue to send her energy with my Golden Crystal. Her own crystal is unable to help her with no energy supply to use.

I cut him off right away, "Motoki, we haven't done it. She's still too young and I want to marry her before..."

I turn red at the thoughts of what we did in the Silver Millennium.

'This time, I want us to get married first.'

" want to marry Usagi! I never knew you were that serious about her!"

"I've been with her since she was 4 and I was 6. Doing the math, we've been together for about...11 years."

"I thought you would want to experience dating someone else too, I mean we're only 17. Usagi is also only 15."

"I plan to officially propose to her when she turns 18. But, we've both established that we don't have any thoughts of breaking up. We've already received blessings from Rei's grandfather too."

"Wow...Alright, it seems you've made up your mind. I'm really happy for the both of you."

"Thanks Motoki."

'Maybe he won't ask or notice anything...and just leave!'

Of course, life doesn't always live up to your expectations, "So, why the Tuxedo Mask costume? And how did you get in?"

"That's a question I should be asking, this is my place, remember?"

He shows me my keys in his hand, "You left them at my Arcade. I called and everything but, you weren't answering. I figured you would try to come home, so I was waiting for you here."

"With the lights off?"

"I also wanted to pull a small prank on you~"

I shake my head laughing just a little. Motoki's one of the few people who can help me relax in a situation like this.

"So how did you get in, and what's with the costume?"

I take a bid breath in and mentally prepare myself for the long conversation.

"It's not a costume, it's the real thing. I'm Tuxedo Mask."

Motoki stares at me, "Nice joke! I almost fell for it!"

I shake my head, "It's not a joke. I jumped over the roofs, and jumped on the balconies to get in."

"What! How are you able to do that?"

I take a while explaining everything, of course I include our royal identities as well.

"So Usagi...she's in a dangerous situation right now. And, you're keeping her alive with your crystal?"

"Yeah, I hate seeing her like this."

"But won't that be exhausting for you? You have to get her heart crystal back right?"

"They'll have to get it back without me."

All of the sudden, a light flashes and Queen Serenity appears before us. She looks at Usagi with a worried look.


I'm sure Motoki won't be able to sleep with how many surprises he's receiving right now.

I lower my head, "I've failed her and you again."

My emotions feel as if they can rip my body apart.

Motoki doesn't say anything, but puts his hand on my shoulders.

"You didn't fail her or me, Endymion."

"But she's lost her heart crystal, and I couldn't even put it back when it was right in front of me."

Queen Serenity kneels in front of me, making sure I look into her eyes, "If it was you and not her, would you blame her for not retrieving your hear crystal?"

I shook my head, "No, I would be relieved that it was me."

She sighed, "Sometimes, you just have to trust in the future. We all know that she was meant to wield the Holy Chalice, which will be filled with all the ladies' powers. As long as her body is being filled with energy until it returns, she will be fine."

Motoki clears his throat, "I'm very sorry to disturb the ongoing conversation but, may I ask if you have a solution?"

I can tell how nervous he is.

'He really doesn't have to be but, I remember how nervous I was when I first met her. She's literally a demi-goddess and, Motoki is only an ordinary man on Earth. I had it easier since I had time to mentally prepare myself.'

"Serenity is my child. As her mother and the current Queen, I can use my energy to sustain her life. Endymion, you will take the Ladies and the Shintennou to Professor Tomoe's place. He must be using that place as his main base."

"Wait, they barely managed against several of their higher ranked members. How do you expect them to win against the thing that created all of them, not to mention, without Lady Moon? From what I've heard, she's the main powerhouse in the group."

Queen Serenity finally gets off her knees. Motoki squeezes my shoulder lightly. I'm really surprised at how he's standing up to her.

"You underestimate the Ladies. While training is important, sometimes desperation raises one's power and persistence. They are more than ready to drive this force away from Earth. Lady Moon will join them as soon as her heart crystal is returned. I will send Al to hide until he gets a chance to slip it away and, awaken my daughter."  

"How can you be sure that Lady Moon will be able to fight after awakening?"

Queen Serenity smiles, "Because my daughter is strong. Endymion's love for her and, her love for him have made them both stronger than ever. Everyone will make it through this."

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