Chapter 1: Training and Luna?- edited

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Setting: Japan, Tokyo
Time Skip: 1 year later
Time: 8:45

It has been a year since I trained with Mother in my dreams. I got the the crystals to form the Imperial Silver Crystal with the help of Mother and Mamoru, and continued to train my mind and body to wield it without bearing any serious injuries.

'Mother has already warned me that Luna awakened last night, so I believe I will bump into her today.' I write in my new diary.

As a result, Mamoru isn't picking me up today. In fact, we've decided to keep our relationship a secret until all the Inner Court Ladies have awakened. Luckily, we can still meet up in our dreams.

"Usagi! If you don't leave now then you're going to be late!"

"Ah, why didn't you wake me up sooner! I'm going to be late!"

"This is the third time I woke you up this morning! Really, it's a wonder how you're not failing your classes too. I bet it's all Mamoru-kun's hard work that's getting you a passing grade in all your classes!"

"About that mom, we're going hide our relationship for awhile, apparently there's a rumour about our relationship so we're trying to stay low right now. Please don't openly talk about our relationship unless it's only us."

"Alright then, but I don't like the idea of hiding your relationship; the two of you need each other. It's like without each other you become someone else, like your soulmates. But I must sound crazy right? Ignore what I said, and hurry up and go to school!"

'Mom, you have no idea how correct you are. When it's safe, I promise I will tell you the truth.'

I'm running to school when I see a few kids bullying something or rather someone. I check my phone and notice how I'm going to be late, 'Oh well, I'm going to be late anyways so I might as well help the poor thing out.'

"Hey, you boys! What are you doing?!" I run over to the three little kids.

"Ahhh! It's a demon!" They ran away leaving the little one alone.

"Who's a demon?! I'll show you what respect is the next time we meet!"

'I can't believe I have to act like such a spoiled brat. It's so tiring too.'

I turn over and see a little kitty, covered in scratches.

'Oh my, Is that Luna?!'

All of the sudden, I feel Mamoru tug at our bond, 'Is everything okay?'

'Yeah, I think I just found Luna. She was being bullied by three boys so I'm helping her right now.'

'Aren't you late for class, love?'

'Yeap, but I care about Luna more.'

' I know, I'll see you later?'

'Yes, but I think it will be in battle. If Luna is awake it means that the enemies have already sent out their underlings.'

'Be careful.'

'You too.'

With that, I pretend to stop my 'tantrum' about little kids and their lack for respect. Turning over to Luna, I talk to her.

"Aww, you poor kitty, look at all the scratches they gave you. I hope they all fade away."

I secretly use some of my power to heal her, 'plus it gives her a hint on who I should be.'

"Now then, what do we have here? A bandage? Who put it there? Hold on, I'll take it off of you."

I peel the bandage off to reveal a small yellow crescent moon facing the sky. "Wow, that's a cool birth mark you have. Now then, I'm late for school so I have to run. Take care!"

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