Chapter 44

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A/N: So a little story time that I want you to give your opinion on, because I'm a curious little shit: Because I dont own a car, I have to rely on public buses to get to the larger grocery stores--- which I do at least once a week, sometimes more. Anywho, the route I take stops at many elderly assisted living complexes, and there are certain elderly people that ride the bus often. Well there is this one old lady--- let's call her Sue (not her real name btw)--- that uses two canes and has severe mobility problems when it comes to getting on and off the bus.

Now because I'm an individual that was brought up with some morals, I almost always help her get her bags on  and off the bus at her assisted living home. She isnt the only person I do this for, I also help an older woman named Betty* (again, not her name) who doesnt need assistance moving around, but her bags are usually heavy so I help get them on the bus. You can agree that its common curtsey to help someone when they struggle with something, yes?

Well I've been doing this for almost a year now, and there is this elderly bus driver Bill* that I know his wife is active in a local church and she is all self righteous about being a good person. He doesnt like Sue, because he feels she is too slow and her hearing is off so she talks loudly, plus you know how older people tend to ramble about their day and that annoys him too. Betty finds her irritating as well and wears earplugs when she sees Sue ride.

Now it is my belief that if you dont like someone that is your choice, but you can at least keep it to yourself. However, those two along with other frequent riders talk quite horribly of her, which I find quite uncalled for. So the other day when I was riding the bus and Sue was on the same bus heading home like me. My mom had helped her get the one bag she had and a bucket on no problem. Then, when we got to her stop I helped her off as I have done many times, but when i got back on the driver was suddenly going to charge me another bus fee for doing so.

I have done this with probably 4 different bus drivers, including Bill, and it's not stated anywhere that it's an official thing to charge someone extra for helping a person off. He was going to charge me, simply because he wants people to stop helping her so that they dont encourage her to get more things and expect people to help her, and he made another guy pay the week before. Even Betty agreed with Bill, but it's like 'I literally do the same thing for you and no one had a problem when you expect someone to assist you with your bags?'.  So explain to me why it's better to just sit and watch her struggle while people make condescending comments towards her, versus saving everyone some time and helping. Would love to hear your thoughts, because my mom and I were floored by his remark. Also, I didnt pay, i just laughed it off and sat my ass down with a shrug.

Anyways....thanks for reading my rant, now enjoy this 5,000+ update. Warning, we do switch between the temple and Blood Moon a lot so sorry for the confusion and any errors...

Limbo 3rd PPOV:

When Baekhyun came back downstairs from tucking Yoongi into bed, the omega immediately signalled the alphas to follow him outside, heading for the flower boxes--- he wouldnt risk Yoongi overhearing them, if this didn't go well.

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