Chapter 20

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A/N: I wrote this in one go last night, so I apologize if it contains errors or is poorly written.

No One's POV:

It was finally Monday, which meant it was the first day at the cafe for Yoongi. Jin had specifically told him to arrive about an hour before opening so that the boys could run him through a quick training to learn how to use the espresso machine and register.

He was incredibly thankful for how patient Jimin and the others were with him, and Jin was very enthusiastic about potentially letting him work in the kitchen. Truthfully, Yoongi would rather be in the back baking coffee cakes, than having to deal with customers, but he wasn't going to be picky.

"Think you're ready, Yoongs?" Jeongguk asked, setting up the last of the chairs in the seating area.

"I think so, hyung. It all seems pretty straight forward." Yoongi commented, adjusting the black apron straps around his neck. His hyung just nodded his head, walking over to ruffle the younger's hair, before heading to the back room to stock pantry shelves. Jimin came not too long after to help manage the counter with him.

Business was pretty steady, a few customers every twenty minutes or so for the first few hours. By lunch time however, the place was packed with customers in a rush to get their lunch time caffeine fix. Yoongi became slightly overwhelmed with the constant orders that Jimin sent his way.

To his relief, about 30 minutes into the lunch rush, Taehyung came out of the back room to send Yoongi into the kitchen to help Jin. The youngest gave a silent prayer of thanks to the universe, quickly retreating to the calmer scenery of Jin's kitchen.

"Oh good, you're here! Can you help me make these sandwhiches?" Jin asked completely out of breath.

"Gladly!" Yoongi simply replied, joining the older at the work bench to start building the lunch orders. With two sets of hands, it was no time at all, before they had caught up with the incoming orders. Once the initial bustle ended, and the orders calmed down, Jin pulled out two water bottles from the fridge to hydrate himself and Yoongi.

"Thank you for the help."

"No problem, Hyung. Truthfully, I liked working back here more than out there." Yoongi said, fidgeting with the bottle in his hand.

Jin quirked his eyebrow a bit in question, "Why is that?"

"Well for one, I really enjoy cooking and feel super comfortable in the kitchen. Secondly, I'm not too fond of lots of human interaction. Some of those customers seemed a bit too intense for me." He answered with a light laugh, trying not to cringe at how introverted he really sounded.

"I can get behind that, why do you think I let those dingbats work out there, and I stay here." Jin added with a hearty chuckle. "If you want, you can help me back here from now on."

"Really, hyung? I'd like that very much!" Yoongi responded with a genuine gummy smile, that had Jin wanting to pinch his slightly chubby cheeks. "Great! Though I think your fan club will be disheartened that you wont be out there with them."

Yoongi cocked his head to the side in confusion, "My what? Aren't they all dating each other?"

Jin paused for a moment, careful of his wording, "They are, but that doesn't mean they haven't all taken a liking to you." Yoongi just looked at him incredulously, before shaking his head with a smile, "Its a funny joke, hyung. But, I'm sure it isnt anymore than a platonic thing."

"20000 won says I'm right." Jin challenged with a raised brow, arms crossed against his chest confidently.

"50000 won says you're not." Yoongi countered, raising his chin in defiance. Jin smirked slyly at the younger, reaching a hand out to shake on it. Yoongi wasted no time in clasping his hand with Jin's, muttering a determined 'I'm so going to win' . The older just thinking to himself 'You're so going to lose'.

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