Chapter 27

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A/N: I dont know if anything makes sense here, but I tried. Also, HOLY SHIT THIS THING HIT OVER 1K READS THANK YOU SO MUCH!...right, anyways...enjoy!

Yoongi's POV:

Dont you just hate it when you wake up way earlier than you planned? Yeah, me too! I was all cozy and warm in my bed with my three human sized space heaters, just chilling in my REM phase one minute, and awake at the ass crack of dawn the next.

To clarify in case you dont understand: I hate mornings. I hate the idea of being up before its socially acceptable to order lunch items at a restaurant. And I absolutely hate to wake up early without a purpose, because then I'm bored and moody.

But here I am. I guess I went to bed little last night, because I'm wearing a super soft panda bear footie onesie. That at least brightened my mood a bit after realizing it was only 6 in the morning, and my hyungs- no, my boyfriends were, still asleep.

I get a sensation in my chest similar to rootbeer mixing with ice cream, all fuzzy and bubbly when I think about the fact I now have boyfriends. Not just one, but three, and they are all my supernatural wolf soulmates!

Another week has gone by since the night Jimin, Taehyung, and Jeongguk told me we were mates. It's been a week of getting accustomed to being kissed, hugged, and doted on three times over. Before them, I hadnt been kissed nor had I even had someone ask me out! Which knowing what I know now, Kihyun had a lot to do with that fact. Speaking of the snake, he has thankfully gone incognito since the scene on my front porch. I cant imagine any of my alphas would be very calm if he showed his face again.

Taking a deep breath, I exhale just over the rim of my tea mug, watching the steam yield to my sigh. The one, and I truly mean the only, good reason for waking up before everyone else, is that it's my chance to really take a moment and reflect. Now that I have three new 'roommates' that almost never leave my side, I only get alone time when I'm on the toilet or in the shower. So to be in nothing but silence, tea in hand as I stare out my kitchen window and admire my flower beds is a great treat. As my eyes land on my special carnations, I am reminded of the dream that woke me up.

Flashback: (TW: Gore and disturbing stuff)

I was sitting in the middle of the woods, trees and dense brush all around me. The calm mid-morning light giving an aesthetic quality to everything. I dont remember why I wanted to come here so bad, but I know it made me feel more relaxed being here.

In my hand was a single carnation, its petals mimicking white cloth that fell into buckets of pink and purple dye. I love these flowers, their creation being my proudest botanical achievement. My fingers danced over the edges of the silky petals, before gently plucking one off. I watch as they let gravity push them down onto the monochromatic earth, their unusually bright colors staining the sight.

It's almost therapeutic to tear my masterpiece apart petal by petal, until I'm left with a naked stem in hand. I place the green stalk beside me, looking back to my surroundings in a calmer mindset. But the tranquility is short lived, distinct sounds of movement all around me. It starts to smell like Jeongguk and Taehyung, if spiced apples and chocolate are anything to go by.

In my excitement, I leap to my feet and chase the scent, ignoring any other thought. But, I falter just the slightest as the scent changed, being corrupted by a horrible metallic stench. And before my mind could scream at me what it was, I stumbled onto a horror that brought me to my knees, tears flowing spontaneously from my eyes and an impulsive shriek from my lips.

Through blurry vision, I can see the nightmare laid before me. Jeongguk and Taehyung's lifeless bodies lay mutilated and bloody on the dirty ground, chests ripped open in gory fashion. I crawl slowly to Jeongguk first, loud sobs choking me with each breath. His dead eyes are still half open, fixated on where Tae resides, like he had been reaching for him in his final breath.

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