Chapter 26

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A/N: Some more fluff, because I felt like it...Enjoy!

Please read my note at the bottom!

No One's POV:

The days that passed since Yoongi discovered he was an omega, became a blur. The alphas had decided it was best to monitor the white haired boy practically 24/7. Jimin made the executive decision for the three of them to move some clothes into the guest room, allowing them to stay over every night. Yoongi had protested repeatedly on the matter, he didnt think it was necessary. It's not like he hated the idea of having his three hyungs living with him, he just didnt see the need.

But like any other argument, Yoongi was out manned and out voted. And because of that, his spare closet was filled with clothes that were not his, and the bathroom had 4 sets of toiletries.

Everyday, Yoongi woke up in either Jimin or Jeongguk's arms, and in rare cases, Taehyung's. Then they'd take turns getting ready for the day, eat breakfast together, and head out for work. Jin had changed their shifts, making it so the alphas were always with Yoongi. After work, the four would walk home, and Yoongi or Jimin would make dinner, while Jeongguk and Taehyung did housework.

Following a delicious meal, they'd spend about an hour or two helping the omega tap into his inner wolf. What the three older males didnt know, was Ambrose had been coaching Yoongi through things in his sleep, and in the rare moments he was alone. The white haired boy was thankful that Ambrose explained things to him, it made him look more impressive to the others.

There was one evening, a little over a week after the whole discovery, that Yoongi found himself nestled between Jimin's legs, his back flush against the older's chest. The blonde had his arms wrapped loosely, so that his hands rested gently over Yoongi's stomach. Taehyung was holding Jeongguk in similar fashion beside them, the four sat comfortably on the couch watching a movie.

Lately, Yoongi had noticed that the alphas' scents were far stronger than normal, even after he figured out his heightened sense of smell. Not only that, but he couldnt ignore the buzzing sensation on his body everytime he has physical contact with one of them, though it was more intense with Jimin. Their voices could make him melt, he was constantly excited to see them after his shift in the kitchen, and it made him upset whenever one of them had to leave, and it never happened with Jin hyung or anyone else. In the beginning Yoongi chose not to bring it up again, given the awkward way the alphas avoided answering him the first time. But it was just becoming a thrilling nuisance at this point. He didnt mind whatever it was, he just wanted to know what he was experiencing.

Deciding he had, had enough, Yoongi finally spoke, "Hyungs?" His voice coming off soft and wobbly from not saying much in the last few hours. There was a collective hum of acknowledgment, that signalled for the younger to continue, "What are we to each other?"

"What do you mean, pup?" Jeongguk asked, sitting sideways in Taehyung's hold to see the younger's face. Yoongi chewed nervously on his lip, trying to find the right words, "Its just, I've noticed lately that I feel different when I'm around you three, that I dont experience with anyone else. It's not a bad thing, it was always sorta there before everything happened, but it's more intense now and its driving me crazy not knowing what it is!"

Though the alphas were starting to catch on, they wanted Yoongi to come right out and say it, before they jumped to conclusions. "Mind putting that in clearer Korean for us, kitten?" Taehyung requested light heartedly, one hand rubbing Jeongguk's thigh, the other bracing his back.

Yoongi let out a frustrated huff, he was embarrassed to have to confess this to them. Like come on! He was admitting to a polyamorous thrupple, that he got all warm and tingly when they touched him or gave him attention! How was this supposed to be easy, or ever sound normal? But nevertheless, he gave a resigned sigh and explained all he had been experiencing lately, even the stronger scents. Of course Jimin and the others knew exactly what he was talking about, and now there was no skirting around the subject.

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