Chapter 17

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A/N: I cant believe this book has reached 500 reads, thank you guys so much! Here is this week's update, time for some more Yoongi dreamland in honor of the birthday boy 🎂💜🎂

Yoongi's POV:

The scenery before me is breathtaking. I stand before a pool of crystal clear water, a large waterfall feeding into it. There are several patches of beautiful wildflowers growing in hues of purple, pink, and blue. Its peaceful and relaxing here, I feel safe.

The grove itself is surrounded in dense foliage, tall trees encasing this spot as if guarding its sacredness. As I take in all of my surroundings, one old oak tree catches my eye, or rather what's carved into it. Upon closer inspection, one can clearly see four lines of characters inscribed inside a carved heart. From the looks of it, they are probably names that someone repeatedly redrew, the engravings deeply gouged into the wood.

At the foot of the tree is a smooth stone with similar characters to one of the 'names' on the tree, with a few other scribbles on it. A memorial maybe? Who knows, but whatever this set up is, it makes me feel this weird and unpleasant emotion just looking at it. Not wishing to experience the pang in my chest anymore, I take several steps away from the tree and turn my attention back to the waterfall.

There is a large log, perfect for sitting on, that lays near the water. Without thought, I make my way over and relax onto the unyielding wood. Unlike my other dreams, nothing feels frozen or dead this time. There is no uneasiness, no bizarre visions of small crying children, no weirdly familiar scenarios. It's just me and a fairytale grove in the middle of the imaginary forest of my subconscious. All alone, and free to breathe...or at least I thought.

Just like in my dream with the woman with white hair, I hear the thudding of footsteps as someone approaches my secret haven. But unlike last time, I'm not greeted with a kind woman, I'm not even met with a human. Coming through a small opening between two bushes, is the mystery white wolf I kept seeing with that unnamed woman.

The creature does not waste time, trotting calmly over to the log until it sits a few feet in front of me, its piercing sapphire eyes never leaving mine. Up close it is more breathtaking, its eyes practically glowing with silver flecks in the iris that match the streaks found in its snow white fur. Its body size is larger than that of an average timber wolf, or really any wolf breed that I have read of. Hell sitting down it is level with me!

The animal does not make any attempt to move or initiate any contact, it just keeps staring at me almost as though its sizing me up. I dont know why, but the more I look into those alluring eyes, the more I feel a connection with this wolf. I know I'm dreaming now, because if this was real life I would have already tried fleeing for my life at this point.

'Minus the hair, you look exactly as I remember.'A voice suddenly sounds in my head, I jump in fright of where it came from. "Ah, I forgot you're new to mindlinking in this life."

"W-w-who said that?" I ask, looking around frantically. The wolf before me, and I kid you not, rolls its eyes and huffs!

"It was me dumbass! You know, big fluffy wolf in front of you?!" Well it answers the question of if it was a male or female wolf...its definitely a dude, but why the hell does he sound like a gruffier version of me.

"And who are you exactly?" I ask with double the sass that this fluffball gave me.

"There is the Yoongi I know and love. She did tell you I'd be coming, did she not?" He asks, cocking his head slightly. It's cute to watch, because his ears flops a little when his head moves and I want to cooe at the sight.

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