Chapter 33

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A/N: As promised here is the other chapter, which is quite long. Thank you for all of the nice comments, I'm glad to see people are enjoying the story! Warning: I wrote this all last night and was up until almost 3 in the morning, so apologies if it doesnt make total sense.

Limbo 3rd PPOV :

So perhaps Orpheus had been a little too confident in his plan. It was just over two months before Aster needed to make a decision, and it appeared as though he still wasnt even considering his companion. The beta had done everything from embracing the urge to shower the omega in meat from successful hunts, dote on his every whim, and cuddling him to keep him warm during the cold winter months. But still, the younger did not tell him he wished to be his mate.

What still kept his hopes up was one conversation they had while they laid on the pelts under a pile of blankets. Orpheus was holding Aster close from behind, arm wrapped over the younger's delicate waist to keep him well heated. Everything was silent as they started to drift, until the omega spoke up, "Orpheus, would you hate me if I wanted a man for my mate?" Aster asked hesitantly, he had come to the realization a few weeks prior that he just couldnt see himself with a wife. He could however, see himself as the 'wife', happily intrigued with the idea of bearing children, and having a husband to take care of them. But he was also worried his companion would judge him for not wanting a woman in his life, since Orpheus never really talked about that stuff.

"Of course not, I dont think I could ever hate you, Aster. Why do you ask?" The beta inquired, letting his hand rub soothing circles into the omega's stomache. There was something about that action that made Aster uncomfortable, not so much the action itself, but who was doing it. He felt like it's something only his mate should do, and it felt weird having Orpheus doing it now, so he gently held the beta's hand to stop him.

"You never really open up about the type of person you were looking for, so I wasnt sure how you'd react. I've thought a lot about it all, but I can only ever seem to feel content when i imagine my mate as a man. Y'know, someone to hold me in his strong embrace for comfort, play with my hair and give me kisses just because, protect our family when our children are running around in the flowers. Let's be honest, I cant hunt to save my life, I'd be a horrible provider for a wife." Aster finished with a light giggle, Orpheus laughing along, his heart skipping a beat when he heard how similar his plans for him and Aster were to the omega's wishes.

"Whoever your mate will be, I know they will do everything they can to give you all that your little heart desires." 'Because I'd do anything for you' Orpheus thought to himself. Aster only hummed, slowly falling asleep thinking about what he would want his ideal mate to be.

That conversation had been almost a month ago, and as he predicted, Aster had no other potential mates. It's what led the beta to get the idea to just confess to the omega already, and after a lot of internal debate, he was going to go through with it. Everything was planned out- he made a plentiful picnic spread, knowing how hungry Aster gets when he's emotional, remembering to tuck a small bouquet of wildflowers into the basket since the weather was warming up with the approaching spring. Orpheus thought it would be a good day to take a walk down to the river, where he'd profess his love to Aster, and they could eat to celebrate. And the younger had no idea it was coming, he was only excited for a picnic.

"Please just tell me why we are going so far in our human forms, our wolves would have been to the river much faster~!" Aster whined, walking slightly behind Orpheus as they made it towards the water. "Wolf forms means no tunics, and I dont want to eat naked, it's not that warm yet." The beta replied in a deadpan, causing the omega to grumble about his feet getting tired.

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