Chapter 12

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A/N: As promised I bring another update this week!
Warning: There is angst and allusions to panic attacks. Read at your own risk, but it isn't anything too graphic.

A few days had passed since Jimin, Taehyung, and Jeongguk had been at Yoongi's house, and thankfully it had also been a few days since the boy had had one of his weird ass dreams. But that didnt mean the four hadn't been texting each other from the time they woke up until they finally fell asleep everyday thus far.

Yoongi had to admit that ever since meeting his new hyungs, he's felt lighter and happier in a way. And, after that eventful day of little Yoongi, the 20 year old found himself not really having a need to slip, which was strange given beforehand he would slip everyday basically. It was almost like Jimin and the others satisfied his little side to the point of dormancy, which he certainly wasnt complaining about. Yoongi wasnt ashamed of having a little side, but the fear of accidentally regressing put way more added stress on him than he needed. So for the last 2 years he relied heavily on Kihyun to "protect and care for him", as his hyung liked to say.

Speaking of the older, Kihyun was set to be stopping by for his weekend check-in with Yoongi. Though the younger insisted that he was a big boy and could take care of himself, Kihyun would not yield on making personal housecalls on the weekends since he had those days off. These days were reserved so his hyung could take care of little Yoonie, catch up with his best friend as if they didnt talk almost everyday, and just hang out.

Yoongi was casually flipping through Netflix when he heard a knock at the door. Getting up, he checked the peep hole to see his best friend waiting patiently with his hands in his pockets.

"What's the password?" Yoongi shouted from behind his locked door. He could see Kihyun jump a little in surprise, before he rolled his eyes and cleared his throat.

"Min Yoongi is the most amazing genius to ever grace this planet with his presence, he truly is the greatest gift to humanity." The older recited with a monotonous voice, meanwhile Yoongi was laughing against the door. Boy did he love that password!

The younger unlocked the door and opened it to reveal his gummy smile as he greeted his hyung. Kihyun gave an annoyed glance for a few seconds, before he busted out laughing and hugged his best friend.

"Hey brat." The older mumbled, his voice getting muffled by Yoongi's shoulder.

"Yah! Who are you calling a brat?!" The younger asked indignantly, hands on his small hips. He tried to look intimidating, but it only managed to make him appear more like a pissed off cat.

"The same person who has such an egotistical password, and didnt bother to unlock his door knowing his hyung was coming. I'm wounded." The older stated in mock hurt, to which Yoongi just rolled his eyes and walked away towards the living room. Kihyun casually followed suit, shutting the door behind him.

"Whatever drama queen, forgive me for not wanting to make it easy on some axe murderer to break into my house and kill me." Yoongi said in a tone of voice that had Kihyun ready to swat him upside the head for the disrespect he felt.

"So what are the new updates in the exciting life of Min Yoongles?" The older asked, plopping down onto the seat in front of Yoongi.

"Well, my eomma said Jihoon has been doing well in school. Um, I got a job at the cafe a few blocks from the apartment complexes. And, uh let's see...oh! I made new friends with a few of my coworkers!" Yoongi exclaimed happily, not realizing a blush dusted his cheeks as he thought about the three males he gets to see in a few days. The younger also didnt see the slightly darker gaze Kihyun sent him.

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