Chapter 10

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No One's POV:

Evening had set on the main cabin in the clearing. Most of the inhabitants were either asleep or almost there, except one. The poor little omega found himself on the porch staring at the night sky, listening to the soft buzz of cicadas, sniffling softly.

"Stupid, stupid, stupid." The boy grumbled out behind his tears at himself. "Damn emotions making me cry, argh!" Sniffles soon turned to light sobbing, "Why does everything have to be so complicated?" He whispered softly, letting tears run freely down his pale face.

"You're such a screw up, why can't you do anything right?!" In the midst of the omega's self hatred rant, he failed to notice a brown wolf approaching him from the dark.

Shifting to its human form, the newcomer speaks to make his presence known, "Little one, why are you crying and saying such hurtful things about yourself?" The young alpha cooes when the omega jumps in surprise.

"B-because I make everyone hate me and always make things worse!" The little omega weeps as the alpha approaches him, sitting right beside the boy and engulfing him in a tight hug.

"Shh, shh, that's not true, I dont hate you! And you don't screw things up, why would you even think that?" The alpha tried his very best to quiet the omega's cries, and it seemed to be working. Between his calming scent and sweet touches, the little wolf in his arms was reduced to mere sniffles.

After more silence passed the alpha spoke, "So what put my little baby in such a fit, hm?"

"I-I-I told h-hyungie about our decision a-a-and-" The omega started to tear up again, breaths becoming labored.

"Hey now, shh, calm down. It's okay, take your time little one."

"I told hyungie our decision, 'nd he got mad and yelled at me. Told me I'm stupid and I messed everything up! Now hyungie hates me!~" The alpha's heart broke at the pitiful sight of his dear omega sad, but just behind that grief  was anger. White hot rage coursing through his veins as a possessive growl rumbled low in his chest...

With a jolt, Jimin woke up to the feeling of a growl threatening to escape his throat. It took a few seconds to remember the events of yesterday, and to recognize he was in Yoongi's  bed with said boy wrapped securely in his arms. That's right, we found Yoongi.

The younger was still asleep, but just barely as his body twitched every so often. His eyes fluttering as he pushed his head further into Jimin's chest with a whine. Soon Yoongi's breathing became irregular, worrying Jimin.

Finally having enough of whatever the hell was happening, the blonde gently shook Yoongi to coax him into conciousness with a gasp.

What Jimin did not expect was to be met with wide, glossy eyes and an award-winning gummy smile directed his way.

"M-m-minnie!" Oh so he's little...cute. The little clung tightly to the older as if he were the last stuffie on Earth. Of course when Jimin heard the small voice he knew today was not going to be any easier than the last...

A/N: Be prepared for a long fluffy chapter next! I hope you like the story thus far and thank you to all of you that have read and voted. I'll be updating again soon! sorry its it's so short, my phone keeps glitching.

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