Chapter 31

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A/N: Back with another little update! Hope you guys enjoy!

Limbo 3rd PPOV:

The white haired boy woke up slowly, eyes fluttering open as he started to take in his surroundings. It's when his gaze sets on the curious pair of eyes beside him, he shrieks in shock, causing the other boy to stumble backwards. "W-who are you?!" The boy asks, scurrying to put distance between him and the brunette.

The surprised child regained his composure, shuffling a few inches closer to extend his hand out, "Orpheus, that's what they call me. What's your name?" He asks with a kind smile, eagerness shining in his green eyes. The white haired boy examined him wearily, refusing to grab his hand in fear of being struck like the priests would do when he accepted their help in getting off the ground. "I dont have a name, everyone just refers to me as Orphanos."

The brunette furrowed his eyebrows, "You're a foundling? Why?" Before the white haired boy could think to answer, Selene entered the makeshift bedroom. Only now did the child take the time to see he was in an unfamiliar dwelling, surrounded in a pile of comfy pelts and furs. "Orpheus, it is quite rude to ask someone such things." She admonishes, the boy bowing his head in shame. "I apologize for my insensitivity."

"You are forgiven." The goddess answers, turning to the white haired child with a fond look, "Did you sleep well, my darling?" She questions kneeling in front of the boy to push back a stray lock of hair. "Very well, my goddess. Thank you for your generosity in saving me, I'll repay your kindness with my best effort." The boy stated, eyes wide with the need to please and the woman cooed gently.

"There is no need to repay me except with your loyalty, my child. And you shouldn't give thanks yet, I havent fulfilled your wish yet." Selene added, chest filled with warmth as she watched the little orphan looked to her like an expectant puppy. "I also believe we should give you a proper name, dont you?" The child nodded his head enthusiastically, he always wanted a name. It may seem like a silly thing to wish for, but when people who look to you with disgust and call you by a word of shame that let's everyone know you have no family, it hurts. You feel like a worthless waste of space that no one could be bothered to name, and for a goddess to wish to give you one was a honor in itself.

With such delicate features the boy looked as frail as a flower, and his beautiful eyes and striking hair made him that much more perfect in her opinion. "I think I will call you Aster. Just like the flowers that grew in the wake of Astraea's tears, you too are beautiful result of sorrow." She declared, carding her hand through the soft tufts of white hair, touched by how the child leaned into the action. "I like that name very much, my goddess." Aster voiced, tears of happiness threatening to fall from his large blue eyes.

"I have brought you into my home and given you the only name you have ever had. It would please me very much if you did not call me 'goddess'." Selene commented sweetly, watching Aster look to her in confusion. "How shall I call you then?"

Taking the boy sideways into her lap, she pressed his head over her heart so that he could hear the relaxing steady beat, "I wish for you to think of me as your mother. The gods very seldom have the chance to be a part of the lives of the children we rear into this world. If you'd allow me, I would very much like to have that opportunity with you. Be the son I never got to have and raise, in exchange offer you the family you were denied." She felt a wetness seep through the cloth of her stola, Aster's body shaking in silent sobs.

"I-I-I would that...mother." He answered in betweens shaky hiccups, voice barely above a whisper, but the goddess heard it and she smiled brightly. Hugging the child firmly to her chest, she let her lips leave soothing kisses on his forehead before her eyes landed on Orpheus. The older boy had been awkwardly sitting beside the pair, unsure of what to make of the whole situation.

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