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little Jimin (1-4) x caregiver Hoseok.

third person pov

    Hoseok's eyes watered as he watched his.....well, not his little anymore, play with Jungkook. He and Jimin had gotten into a fight a few weeks prior,  and Jimin said he didn't need Hoseok as a caregiver anymore. Once those words had been said, Hoseok hadn't been able to sleep properly,  eat enough food, or even think straight. 

    I bet a few of you are wondering, how is Jimin doing without having Hoseok? Well, no so good. He hasn't been in littlespace for about three weeks now. But, in and out of littlespace, Jimin plays games with Jungkook. Jimin didn't even mean to yell at Hoseok, it just....he has been under so much stress that even littlespace couldn't help him.

    Anyway, back to Hoseok. He sighed, and stood from the couch. He couldn't take it anymore. He looked around to make sure no one was looking, and rushed out the front door. He kept running not looking back, even when he heard people yelling out his name. He kept running until he came across his old spot. The spot where he used to go when he was stressed.

    Hoseok looked around the small shack, and noticed how some of the walls were now spray painted. He shrugged, and sunk down to the floor. He wrapped his arms around his knees, then placed his head down. He couldn't watch Jimin smiling and laughing with another person. As he was thinking about his sunlight in a world full of darkness, a song came to mind.

"Sunshine, you are my sunshine.
You make me happy, when skies are gray.
You'll never know dear, how much I love you.
So please don't take my sunshine away."

   "Please." Hoseok said as he chocked back a sob. Finally the dam broke, and he sobbed freely.

     "Jimin, please come back." He cried into his knees.


     Hoseok wiped his face on the back of his hands, and took a shaky breath. He slowly stood from the ground, and dusted himself off. He quietly walked out the door of the shack, and made his way back to the dorms. Since his group was on a break for the next few months,  he could stay where need.

   He finally made it to the dorm, and carefully opened the door. He looked around, and saw no one so he walked inside. He quietly started walking up the stairs towards his and Jimin's room. He opened the door, and started packing clothes for the next two or three weeks.

   "Hyung, where are you going?" Taehyung asked causing Hoseok to jump.

    "To stay with some friends, or possibly my parents." Hoseok said as he walked into the shared bathroom to grab his toiletries. 

    "Why? I thought you like staying here with us." Taehyung said confused. Hoseok sighed, and zipped up his bag.

    "I'll be back Tae, not sure when. But I know I'll be back before the come back." Hoseok said with a small sad smile. Taehyung forced a smile back, and watched as his hyung walked out of the room. Hoseok smiled when he heard all the laughter from the kitchen.

   "Come back soon hyung. I'll miss you." Taehyung said tears forming in his eyes.

    "I'll miss you too Taehyung." Hoseok said dropping his bag, and pulling Taehyung into a hug. Upon hearing the commotion in the living room, Namjoon walked up to the two hugging boys. Namjoon looked down, and saw the bag on the floor.

   "Hyung, why is there a bag on the floor?" Namjoon asked gaining the attention of the other four members.

    "Going to visit some family and friends. I'll be back before the break is over." Hoseok said picking up his bag. Hoseok opened the front door, and turned to the others.

   "Bye guys. I'll miss you." Hoseok said then closed the door. Once the door was closed tears started to stream down his face. He quickly started to walk towards the bus stop. He sat on the bench, and waited for the bus to come.

   "Are you alright dear?" Asked an old elderly woman.

    "Yes ma'am. Sorry for bothering you." Hoseok said with a sniffle.

     "Sweetie please don't lie. Want to talk about it?" She asked.  Hoseok nodded, and wiped his eyes once more.

      "My...my little boy and I got into a fight. And....he told me he didn't need me any more. He l-left me for one of my best friends." Hoseok said as more tears built up in his eyes.

      "I'm sure he didn't mean it. An man or woman would be lucky to have you." The woman said with a kind smile.

    The bus pulled up, and Hoseok climbed on. He paid his bus fair, and sat down in a seat. He watched out the window waiting for the bus to pull up at the train station, so he could go back home.

meanwhile with Jimin

     "He....he left?" Jimin asked as he stared at the front door.

      "Sweetie, he just needs time. He seems very stressed about something.  Maybe something happened at home, or the fans are getting to him again." Seokjin said placing a hand on Jimin's shoulder. Jimin shook off Seokjin's hand, and rushed up stairs to his room. He looked around the room as tears started to gather in his eyes.

     "No. No, he wouldn't leave me like that. Maybe....maybe his mom is in the hospital. Yeah in the hospital." Jimin said. See, Jimin doesn't remeber saying that he didn't want Hoseok as a caregiver. His mind and little self is blocking that memory from him.

     "Hoseok please come back." Jimin said as tears started to silently stream down his red cheeks.

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