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Little Jimin (1-3) x Caregiver Jungkook.

jungkook pov

   I was trying to practice a new dance with the guys, but Jimin kept messing up. I walked up to him worry written all over my face. I placed my hand on his shoulder, causing him to look up at me.

  "Jimin-ssi are you alright?" I asked as he wiped sweat off his forehead. He sighed, and shook his head.

  "My head hurts, I can't concentrate, and I'm really tired." Jimin said sitting down on the floor.

   "Hyung, I think we should stop for the day." I said looking over at Namjoon. He sighed, but agreed. I helped Jimin stand, then grabbed my stuff. All of us then walked out to the van, and got in. Jimin sat beside me, and lent his head against my shoulder.

   "How are you feeling hyung?" I asked looking down at him. He looked up at me, and frown.

   "Daddy? "He whispered. My eyes widened. Jimin hasn't been in little space for three weeks.

   "Yes baby? " I whispered back.

    "Minnie tired." He whispered digging his face into my shoulder. I wrapped my arm around him, and pulled him closer to me. Jin looked back at me, and raised an eyebrow. I shook my head, and he turned back around.

  Once we got to the door, I helped Jimin out of the van. I grabbed both of our bags, and carried them inside. I placed my bag in my room, then placed Jimin's bag in his and Hoseok's room. I then walked to the living room, and over to Jimin.

   "Daddy!" Jimin cheered hugging me. I hugged him back, and picked him up. Taehyung walked in, and looked at us weirdly.

  "Why are you holding Jimin?" He asked.

   "His legs hurt, and he wants to hang out with me in my room." I said bring him to my room. I placed him on my bed, then grabbed his little space box from my closet. I pulled out his dummy, and placed it in his mouth.  He smiled at me from around his dummy. I kissed his forehead, and turned on cartoons on my phone.

   "How have you been little prince?" I asked.

   "'Ood." He said doing his eyed smiled.

  "Do you want some gummies?" I asked pulling out a pack. He nodded. I opened the pack, and gave him some. He smiled at me as he ate his snack.

   "Lunch is ready boys." Jin said knocking on the door.

   "Okay hyung." I said. I turned to Jimin, and watched as he put away his dummy. I quickly hid the box, and we walked to the kitchen. We sat at our spots, and started eating our sandwhiches. Jimin finished, and looked up at me. I smiled a him, and grabbed his hand under the table.

   "Why are you to so happy today?" Namjoon asked.

   "Because we got the day off tomorrow." I answered. Which was true, we do have the day off tomorrow.

   "Why is Jimin being so quiet?" Hoseok asked.

    "I'm tired." He said in the biggest voice he could muster. I smiled at him, and squeezed his hand. I finished, and sat there till the others we done. Once everyone was finished Jimin and I walked back to my room. I grabbed his box, and pulled out a nappy and a sleeper.

   "Bath time." I said picking him up. I carried him to the bathroom, sat him on the toilet seat lid, and started running the bath water. Once it was warm, and full enough, I turned off the water. I helped Jimin undress, then I placed him in the water. I washed his hair and body, then wrapped him in a fluffy towel. I laid him on my bed, and pulled a nappy up his slim waist. I then helped him put on a pastel green oniese.

   "Is Minnie still tired?" I asked. He nodded. I tucked him in my bed, and placed a dummy in his mouth. I placed a Cooky stuffie in his arms, and watched as he napped softly. I walked out of the room, and slowly closed the door. I walked into the kitchen, and grabbed me a water bottle. I then walked back to my room, while taking a drink.

  "Daddy?" Jimin asked rolling over to where he was facing me.

  "Yes little prince?" I asked.

   "Sweep wif me?" He asked smiling at me softly.

   "Of course prince." I said, then laid beside him. I pulled him to my chest, and protectively wrapped my arms around my little prince. I kissed his forehead then fell asleep with Jimin.

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