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Little Yoongi (3-5) x Caregiver Hoseok

Hoseok pov

    Like an idiot, I let Yoongi (when he was in between little space and big space) and Jungkook watch IT (while Jungkook was here for a visit). Now I have been running around all day hiding all of the scary movies from Jungkook. Once all the movies were hidden I sat on the couch, and sighed. I sat there for a good five minutes,  until I heard a loud scream. I raced up stairs, and slammed Yoongi's door open. He sat there holding his knees to his chest crying.

  "What's wrong sweetie?" I asked rubbing his back.

   "Can't sleep! Clown will eat me!" He cried. I sighed, and pulled him to my chest. He grabbed my shirt, and cried on to my shoulder.

   "Shh. Shh. It's okay. I'm here. The clown can't get you." I said rubbing his back. He pulled away, and sniffled. I wiped his tears, and smiled sadly at him.

   "Are you okay now sweetie?" I asked. He nodded.

   "Can I sweep wif oou tonight Daddy?" Yoongi asked then yawned. I picked him up, and carried him to my room. I laid him down, then crawled in beside him. I wrapped my arms around him, and smiled once he grabbed fist fulls of my shirt.

   "Good night sweetie."

   "Ni ni Daddy." He said then fell asleep.


     "Daddy." Yoongi said shaking me awake. I opened my eyes, and saw he had tears in his eyes.

   "What's wrong sweetie?" I asked sitting up, and pulling him to my chest.

   "The clown got me Daddy!" He cried. I started rubbing his back, and telling him sweet things.

   "Shh. Shh. It's okay. It was just a dream. See your here with me now see. It was just a dream." I said rubbing his back. He sniffled, and pulled away from my chest.

   "Kookie meanie." Yoongi said as he rubbed his eyes. I chuckled, and stood up. I picked him up, and carried him to the living room. I sat him on the couch, and turned on cartoons.

   "Clowns!" Yoongi screamed as he saw a clown on the tv. He clung to me as he cried. I wrapped my arms around him, and rubbed his back.

   "Shh. Shh. Want me to call Kookie?" I asked. He nodded. I grabbed my phone, and dialed Jungkook's number. He answered on the third ring.

"What's up hyung? "
"Yoongi needs you."
"What? Why? "
"He was slipping into little space yesterday when you guys were watching IT. Now he is terrified.  Please come over."
"I'll  be there in a bit."

   And with that he hung up. I sighed, and looked down at Yoongi. He sat there holding my shirt while sniffling. I sat down on the couch, and pulled Yoongi on to my lap. He buried his face into my neck, and suck on it softly. {There are some time when a little will have like mock breast feeding. Or they like to suck on their caregiver's neck.}

   "Do you want your dummy?" I asked. He shook his head, and continued sucking softly on my neck. I sighed, and shivered as Yoongi went over my soft spot. I shook my head, and lent it on top of his. There was a knock at the door.

   "It's open!" I yelled. Jungkook walked in, and closed the door behind him. He knelt down in front of me and Yoongi. He placed his hand on Yoongi's back, and rubbed it softly.

   "Yoongi, poppet. Can you look at me?" Jungkook asked. Yoongi pulled away from my neck, and turned to look at Jungkook.

   "The clown isn't real. It is just a movie. That clown could never harm you. Kookie and Daddy wouldn't let him." Jungkook said as he rubbed Yoongi's back slower.

   I placed Yoongi on the spot beside me, and turned on cartoons again. I then stood, and walked to the kitchen. I fixed Yoongi a sandwhich, and placed it on the table. I then fixed one for Jungkook, and I. Once I was done, I called them into the kitchen.

   "Hyung, I hope you know that you have a hickey on your neck." Jungkook said as he sat down. I sighed, and sat beside Yoongi.

   "It will be fine. Yoongi won't think so when he is big. But eh. Little Yoongi is the cutest." I said ruffling his hair. 


    It was bed time, and Jungkook had left a while ago. I laid Yoongi down, then laid beside him. He snuggled closer to me, and started softly sucking on my neck again.

  "Do you want you dummy now?" I asked. He pulled away, and looked up at me.

   "No. I like Daddy better." He said and started suckling on my neck again. He soon fell asleep. I smiled, and held him closer to me.

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