Jungkook x Reader

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(little reader x caregiver jungkook)

  (Y/n) was starting to get frustrated, she had a long day today. Things just didn't seem to be going her way at all. She sat on the couch trying to relax, but as always things weren't going to change for her. She went to grab her cup, but she accidentally hit it on the arm of the couch causing the cup to hit the floor. As soon as the cup hit the floor, (Y/n) lost it and started to cry.

  "Baby?" Jungkook said rushing into the room from the kitchen. He had been trying to fix himself some food when he heard the cup fall and (Y/n) wails. Making it to the girl, he saw that she was no longer in her big mindset.

"Oh honey." Jungkook scooped her up into his arms. He started to look around the room as he held the little in his arms. He didnt see any of the pacifiers in the room. (Y/n) had her head rest on Jungkook's shoulder as he started to walk towards the little's little room. He placed her down on the changing table, and quickly got her little clothes.

  Changing her into a diaper, Jungkook was careful because he knew his baby was sensitive. (Y/n) started to cry again because she wanted to be back in Jungkook's arms. Quickly putting the onesie on her, he picked her back up. He scanned the room, still no pacifiers. Where could he have put them last? He couldn't remember. Hearing a small popping like noise, Jungkook saw (Y/n) nibbling on her lip. She tends to do that when she wanted her pacifier.

  "Oh sweetheart." Jungkook said softly. Carefully he moved the little to where she had access to his neck. The little took that as a sign to use his neck for now until he found what she needed.

  "Let's go back down to the living room." Jungkook said, mainly to himself seeing as (Y/n) had regressed down to baby space. Gently bouncing her, Jungkook was careful as he walked back towards the living room.

"I'm still a bit hungry, so I have to get something that isn't messy." Jungkook once again said to himself. (Y/n) seemed happy sucking on Jungkook's neck as the boy scanned the kitchen. He settled on a thing of pinwheels that had been in the fridge from the day before.

  "Does my baby need a drink?" Jungkook asked the little. Waiting a second, he felt the little snuggle closer to him. Jungkook took that as a no, so he started to eat the small food choice. (Y/n) started to wiggle a bit, she would wiggle around sometimes just to get comfortable. But if she wiggled a lot, that more than likely ment that she needed to use the bathroom.

  "Do you need to go potty sweetie?" Jungkook asked after the little kept wiggling. The little stopped after a minute and Jungkook waited to see if he could feel warmth from her diaper. Nothing changed, so Jungkook figured she was having a hard time getting comfy. Jungkook walked to the couch and carefully sat down. (Y/n) was moved towards the middle of his lap, but still laid enough against him so that she could reach his neck.

  "There you go bun." Jungkook gently ran his fingers up and down her back. He knew it would make her start to feel tired and from what he had saw, she really needed a nap. Jungkook felt as the girl's head started to get heavy. Chuckling softly, Jungkook started to rock side to side ever so slightly. The little was having a hard time staying awake.

  "Go to sleep hun. It's okay." Jungkook said as the felt the little try to wake herself up multiple times. After a few more minutes of swaying and rubbing (Y/n)'s back, she fell asleep. Her head gently fell lower on Jungkook's shoulder, signaling that she was fully asleep. Standing very slowly, Jungkook walked the little towards their shared room to lay her down.

  "So that's where I put them." Jungkook mumbled seeing the pacifiers on the night stand. He gently placed one in (Y/n)'s mouth. He quietly walked to the bathroom to clean up before laying down with her. As he cleaned his neck he didn't bother looking into the mirror, well that is until he was done.

  "Big (Y/n) is gonna hate that." Jungkook said as he examined the hickey on his neck. (Y/n) whined and Jungkook was quick to make it to the bed.

  "Shh baby girl, I'm here." Jungkook said as he laid beside the sleeping little. (Y/n) turned to face Jungkook and grabbed a fist full of his shirt.

  "Good night honey bun, I love you." Jungkook placed a gentle kiss on her forehead.

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