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Little Jimin (2-4) x Caregiver Taehyung.

taehyung pov

   I sighed as I dug around in my pocket for my keys. I had a long day at work today, and all I want to do is relax. I finally found my keys, so of course I unlocked the door, and walked in. As soon as the door closed I heared the pitter patter of feet coming my way. I had enough time to put my bag down before Jimin jumped on me.

  "Daddy!" He yelled hugging me.

   "Inside voices Bubba." I said patting his back. He giggled, and pulled away from the hug. I sat him on the floor, then walked to my room. I changed into comfortable clothes, then walked back to the living room. I sat on the couch, and watched as Jimin colored.


   I was woke up to the sound of screaming. I shot up, and ran to where I was hearing it from. There stood Jimin with a shater plate all around his feet. His hand was bleeding, I'm guessing he tried to clean it up. I rushed over to him carefully because of the glass.

   "Buuba, what happened?" I asked wiping his tears.

    "Daddy was sweeping, and Minnie got hungwy." Jimin said crying harder. I shushed him, and continued wiping his tears.

  "Let Daddy clean this up real quick, so he can help you clean up your hand." I said then rushed to get a broom. I swept up the glass, then threw it all in the bin. I picked up Jimin, and carried him to the bathroom. I set him on the counter of the sink. I then opened the cabinet door under the sink, and pulled out the first aid kit.

   "This might hurt a bit Buuba. So, how about you tell me about your day to get your mind off of it." I said as I started cleaning his hand.

   "Ow! M-Minnie cowored, pwayed wif his stuffies, watched cartoons, an-and he swept. Ow! He got weally hungwy when Daddy was sweeping too." Jimin said.

   "There you go. You did so good. You're Daddy's good little boy." I said kissing his forehead.  I then wrapped his hand in a pink bandage. I helped him off the counter, and carried him to the living room. I placed him on the couch, and turned on Scooby Doo.

   "Now, Bubba what do you want for supper?" I asked running my fingers through his hair.

  "Dino nuggies, and mac n' cheese!" Jimin cheered smiling up at me. I smiled back at him, then walked to the kitchen. I started cooking his food, when I heard him call my name. I walked into the living room, and looked over at Jimin.

  "Yes Bubba?" I asked.

   "Someone is knocking at the doow." He said pointing at the door. I nodded, then walked over to it. I opened the door, and saw Yoongi with Hoseok.

   "Hey hyung. What are you doing here?" I asked as I let them in. I made a sign for them to follow me. They walked with me to the kitchen, so I could finish cooking.

   "Oh, we decided to stop by for a bit before we went out to dinner." Hoseok said smiling at me. I nodded, and pulled the chicken nuggets out of the microwave. I then drained the mac n' cheese.

   "Is Jimin little right now, or something?" Yoongi asked lent against the counter. I nodded, then started on the sauce.

   "Could one of you go ask what dip he wants for his nuggets?" I asked fixing Jimin's plate. Hoseok walked out of the room, leaving me and Yoongi.

   "How are things with you and Hoseok?" I asked turning to him.

   "There good, I was thinking about purposing some time soon." Yoongi said as if it was nothing.

   "Wow. I never thought you would be the type." I said just as Hoseok walked in the room.

   "Type to do what?" He asked.

   "Oh, nothing." I said waving my hand at him. He narrowed his eyes at me.

   "Anyway, Jimin said he wants ranch." Hoseok said. I grabbed the ranch, and put it in a little dip cup. I quickly fixed my plate, then set then both on the kitchen table.

   "Jimin, Bubba. Supper is ready!" I called. Jimin ran into the kitchen,  and sat down.

    "We should be going. Bye Taehyung. Bye Jimin." Yoongi said. He waved as Hoseok hugged Jimin. They then left leaving me and Jimin to eat our supper.


    Jimin was now laying in our shared bed. He already took a bath, and watched a movie before bed. I quickly changed into my pajamas,  and laid beside him. He snuggled into my chest, and grabbed fist fulls of it. I placed his dummy in his mouth, then kissed the top of his head.

   "Goodnight Bubba. I love you." I said rubbing his back.

   "Ni ni Daddy. I lob you too." He said falling asleep.

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