Rap Line x Vocal Line

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Caregiver Vocal Line x Little Rap Line
Namjoon (1-3) x Seokjin
Hoseok (3-5) x Jungkook and Taehyung
Yoongi (0-2) x Jimin

  Practice was long and hard for the poor group of seven. The day had ran longer than what the group had anticipated due to needing to change a few steps in the new dance routine. Namjoon, Hoseok, and Yoongi hated having to stay long out of the whole group. They wanted to be little so badly because having to get everything perfect was stressing them out.

  "Hoseok, you okay hyung?" Jungkook asked a look of concern spreading across his face.

   "I'm fine or I should be at least once we get this done." The elder said with a sigh.

  "I think this should be good for today, they can get over it otherwise." Seokjin said with a huff talking about their management.

  "You sure hyung?" Yoongi asked.

  "Obviously. They can't do no this to someone this handsome." Seokjin said striking a quick pose so everyone would laugh.

  "Are you boys wanting to do anything when you get home?" Seokjin looked at the three littles.

  "If you don't mind." Namjoon looked at the floor bashfully.

  "Is it only you or will it be the three of you?" Seokjin asked.

   "All three please." Now it was Yoongi's turn to be bashful.

   "I don't mind, what about you?" Jimin asked the other three.

   "Of course!" Taehyung smiled.

   "Only if it doesn't count bath time." Jungkook said, he hated bath time because he always got soaked in water.

  "It's settled then. The boys get little time when we get back home." Seokjin explained to the group. The littles couldn't wait to get home now since they now finally had a chance to relax and be little like they had wanted to all day.

"Are we going now?" Namjoon asked the group since no one moved to grab their things.

"Yes, sorry I thought everyone understood that." Seokjin rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly.

"Hurry! Hurry!" Hoseok said excitedly already slipping into little space. Taehyung grabbed his things along with the little's. Jungkook grabbed his things and Hoseok's hand so the little wouldn't try to run off like he had before.

"Do you want to be little now sweetheart?" Jimin asked Yoongi with a soft smile. Yoongi shyly nodded his head, he was still trying to get used to being little around everyone.

"And you Namjoon?" Seokjin asked.

"Please?" Namjoon asked politely.

"Of course darling." Seokjin smiled brightly. Everyone grabbed their things, minus the littles their caregivers never wanted them to carry their things while tiny, and headed towards the van to load up.

"How wants to listen to Moana?" Seokjin asked from the front seat while plugging up his phone.

"Ooh, me! Me! Me wan to!" Hoseok said excitedly. Yoongi nodded not really in a talking mood since he was feeling especially tiny.

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