Author's Note

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   I wanted to talk about requesting x reader parts. It doesn't only have to be little reader, they can also be a caregiver. But when the reader is little, if you want them to be a specific age, I don't mind doing that. If you want something to happen, for example a trip to the pet store, I can write that. I love getting requests from you lovely readers. I also love being able to write something that you would like to happen for your part.

  Another thing I would like to talk about is when you request punishments for the littles. I don't mind doing time outs, write offs, etc. I'm not to sure on spanking, that will rarely ever happen in this book. But if you are sure that you want it to happen, I will warn others ahead of time if they do not like it. Or if you have certain punishments that you do, for example if you have a long distants caregiver, going on time out for 10 minutes so that means no texting.

  Or if you want a reward to happen in your story. The little gets candy, stuffies, a new paci, etc. I don't mind adding that in either. But there will be absolutely no smut in this book what so ever. Also, not all of the little / caregiver relationships have to be romantic, they can also be platonic.

  Sorry for the small rant, I just thought that you all should know what I think on the requesting system for my book. You can request on any chapter, author's note, or you can message me. Thank you to all who are reading.

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