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(Caregive Seokjin x Little Jungkook)

This was another request
from a lovely reader.
I'm sorry for taking so long
in filling out the requests.
Writer's block and school have been a pain.

   Seokjin was nervous to say the least. He had to take Jungkook to the doctor for his monthly check up, and that never went well. You see, at every other check up Jungkook would have to get a shot. And this time just so happens to fall on the month where Jungkook would need said shot.

  "Kookie, time to get up." Seokjin said gently shaking the younger.

  "No." Jungkook groaned, rolling away from Seokjin.

   "Come on baby, we have to be at the doctor's in an hour." Seokjin said gently.

  "No." Jungkook sitting up.

   "No what Kookie?" Seokjin knew the answer.

  "No wanna go." Jungkook said with tear filled eyes. Seokjin sighed softly, he knew how much Jungkook hated going to the appointments.

   "We have to baby, we need to make sure that you're big and strong." Seokjin gently pulled Jungkook towards his chest. Tears started to soak Seokjin's shirt.

  "It's okay bun. It's okay. Would you like to go get breakfast after? We can go eat anywhere you want to." Seokjin tried to pursue the little. Jungkook nodded after a few minutes.

  "Come on bun, let's get you dressed." Seokjin picked the little up off the bed. Jungkook whined, he hated getting dressed just as much as going to the doctor.

  "What would my baby bub like to wear, hmm?" Seokjin asked. He knew he wouldn't get a response out of the little.

  "How about we wear this cute light blue sweater and these black jeans? How does that sound?" Jungkook shrugged. Seokjin quickly changed the little, and fixed his hair.

  "Does Kookie want to pick his own shoes?" Jungkook carefully grabbed his light blue converse shoes. Seokjin smiled and grabbed a pair of white socks. He know how much Jungkook liked to match his shirt with his shoes.

  "Go brush your teeth bun." Seokjin gently smiled at the little. Seokjin wanted Jungkook to brush his teeth, so that he could pack a small bag for Jungkook. In said bag, he packed Cooky, a pacifier, a coloring book with crayons, and a few bandaids just in case. Since Seokjin was already ready, he sat on Jungkook's bed waiting.

  "Done daddy." Jungkook said softly. Jungkook wasn't a loud or hyper little, he was quiet and calm. Seokjin thought he had lucked out with his little, but there was a tiny catch.

  "Are you ready to leave bun?" Seokjin asked. Jungkook shrugged.

  "I have a bag packed with everything you may need." Seokjin gently helped Jungkook put on his bag. The duo then started the head towards the front door of the house. Seokjin felt a tug on his arm, then look over to see Jungkook stopped in place.

  "Come on bun, we don't have time for this." Seokjin was being as nice as he could to the scared little.

  "No wanna go." Jungkook started to cry once more.

  "I know bun, I know." Seokjin hugged the little to his chest. Before Jungkook could stop him, Seokjin had picked him up and carried him outside. Jungkook tried to protest but realized there was no point in trying.

  "Let's get you all buckled up." Seokjin placed a kiss on Jungkook's nose.

  "Does my bun want to sit in the front seat with me? Or does he want to sit in the back seat?" Seokjin smiled.

  "Dunno." Jungkook frowned.

  "Front seat with me it is." Seokjin smiled wider. Jungkook smiled ever so gently. Seokjin gently placed the little in the passenger seat, then grabbed the seat belt. Seokjin quickly buckled up Jungkook, knowing how he gets antsy when Seokjin takes too long.

  Seokjin had been Jungkook's caregiver for three years now. So Seokjin knew almost everything about the boy, expect for one thing. That one thing being how Jungkook would react to the shot. Each time Jungkook's response to getting a shot was different. Seokjin pulled out of the driveway, and put his hand out. Jungkook gently placed his hand on top of Seokjin's. Squeezing it gently, Seokjin made the first turn towards the dreaded building.

  Pulling into the parking lot, Jungkook because extremely anxious. He didn't want to get a shot, he just wanted to go to breakfast. Seokjin sensing the change in mood, quickly got Jungkook out of the car. Jungkook tried to squirm away from Seokjin but it was no use.

  "It'll be over soon bun." Seokjin said pulling the little into the doctor's office. Seokjin quickly signed Jungkook in, then found a seat for the two. Seeing as this was a doctor's office specifically for littles, Jungkkok was able to get out his pacifier.

  "Jeon Jungkook." Seokjin saw the panic in Jungkook's eyes. Quickly picking up the little, Seokjin followed behind the nurse.

  "This is just a routine check up, everything will be alright." The nurse tried to reassure Jungkook.


   "As much as I hate to say this Seokjin, Jungkook needs another benadryl shot. It sounds bad yes, but the boy has some terrible rash on his arm. Do you know where he might have gotten it?" The doctor asked.

  "He was playing out in the garden yesterday. He started itching and sneezing really bad after playing near the flowers." Seokjin explain.

  "That could be the cause. I will be right back with the shot." The doctor walked out of the room. Seokjin looked over at the little on the examination table.

  "Come here Kookie." Seokjin said patting his lap softly. Jungkook climbed off the table and sat on Seokjin's lap.

  "Let me roll up your sleeve baby." Seokjin gently took Jungkook's arm into his hands.

  "No! No shot!" Jungkook started to panic. The doctor came back just in time for Jungkook to start panicking worse.

  "Jungkook, bun, please sit still." Seokjin pleaded. Jungkook squirmed around trying to get out of having to get the shot. Seokjin sighed and held Jungkook firmly against him. The doctor gently took Jungkook's arm from Seokjin.

  "No!" Jungkook yelled trying to squirm again. The doctor quickly cleaned Jungkook's arm.

   "No shot!" Jungkook yelled again. The doctor had to be quick, otherwise the shot was never going to happen. Before Jungkook could scream again, the doctor injected the needle into Jungkook's arm. Jungkook started to cry into Seokjin's shoulder. A bandaid was quickly placed over the spot where the needle had been.

  "You're okay bun. You're okay." Seokjin started to rock the little gently. Who knew Jungkook was so scared of needles.

Little thoughts.Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ