Dinner and Movie

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Bella's POV

Edward has been really chill with the whole crazy-ex situation. I also made him take half of his bed back. He and I were functioning pretty well together. The semester was finally over. I had some Christmas shopping to do. But other than that, I was free.

I asked Edward two days ago if he still wanted to go on a date and he said yes, but only after Mike was caught or things died down. The whole police force was on high alert. I had no intentions of waiting that long for a date.

When were out, Edward had insisted I get warm sweaters. One item I picked up was a black sweater dress. It stopped just above my knees. And came with a skinny dark brown belt. I also bought a pair of brown boots that stopped below my knees. My hair was in a messy bun and I wasn't wearing any makeup.

I was cooking dinner for Edward. It was nothing too fancy, just chicken parmigiana and garlic breadsticks. I made homemade brownies and got some ice cream for dessert. I set his table with forks and plates. I told him to pick up a bottle of wine on his way in from work. I was going to light candles, but that seemed to cheesey.

I also had several movies picked out for our in home date. We would watch them with popcorn and soda after dinner. I even wrote up cute little menus for us to pretend to look over before we 'ordered' dinner. I smile at the scene I've set up.

Edward texted me he would be home soon. I bite down on my lip, suddenly I was extremely nervous. I hear the door open and my breath hitches.

"Hey Bella, I'm home." He calls out. I take a deep breath and step out of the kitchen. He gives me a quizzical look. "Dinner smells great.

"Hi Edward." I say walking over to him, trying to fight my smile. I take the wine. "Yeah, it does doesn't it?"

"So, what's the occasion?" He says wrapping his arm around my slender frame. He has the loveliest crooked grin.

"Well, I was thinking..." I look into his lush green eyes and feel my knees go weak. "Maybe we could have our first date tonight?"

He looks at me, grinning like a he had won the lottery. "Does your date have time to shower and change?"

"Of course, I got us amazing reservations at this place, but we have like twenty minutes before we need to get there before the restaurant gets too busy." I say jokingly.

He kisses my cheek. "Perfect, I only need ten. Then we can head out." He chuckles.

"Okay, see you soon." I say heading back to the kitchen as he makes his way to the bathroom. I put the wine in the freezer, hoping it chilled in time. Edward had picked a Rosé. I suppose I hadn't told him my affinity for white wine.

I grab the salad I had mixed up earlier. I go to get some small bowls to dish out the salad. I take the chicken parm out of the oven, letting it cool. I grab my phone and turn on some soft music, setting the ambiance. I move to light two of the candlesticks on the table. I leave the stove light on and turn off the overhead light.

I smile and grab two small glasses and fill them with ice water. I then go to grab a couple of wine glasses. I turn around and notice Edward standing in the entry way. I blush when I notice his gaze is transfixed on me.

"Why hello," Edward is wearing a black v-neck shirt and dark jeans with nice black vans. "I'm supposed to meet a woman her. She has brown hair, stunning brown eyes, and is absolutely beautiful."

My skin heats up. "She hasn't arrived yet, but allow me to show you to your table." I guide him to the table, the menu already laid out. "Would you like anything to drink while you wait?"

"Water would be nice." Edward has a peaceful air about him. I nod and 'get' him a cup of water. I take a step from the table and turn around.

"My goodness, I'm so sorry I'm late." I giggle as I plop into the chair.

"Waiting for someone as a lovely as you, I cannot even find myself to even be a little upset. You know, you and our waitress could be sisters. Maybe even twins." He looks into my eyes. Humor plays in his words.

I slide from the table and glasses of water from the counter. I set both of them on the table. "I saw your date come... didn't want her to think I was rude by only bringing you water." I tell him the specials and then slide into my seat. Pretending to look over my menu and its one item. I sip my water idly.

"Well I think I'll have the Chef's special and the side salad." Edward takes my hand.

"How funny, I was thinking the same thing." I get up and dish the pasta onto our plates and then top it with the chicken. I slide the garlic bread onto the plate and set them on the table.

"This looks absolutely stunning Bella." He mummers earnestly. "Would you like some wine?" He asks getting up.

"Sure, it's in the freezer." I respond. He grabbed the wine and pours us each a glass. He hands me my glass and sits down with his.

"A toast," Edward says to me. "To our first date. May there be many more." We clink our glasses and I feel a grin take hold of my lips. I sip the wine and to my surprise, it was sweet. It has a nice crisp taste that I really enjoy.

We eat and he tells me about his day at work, I tell him about my job hunt for after graduation. When we finish I tell him to turn his menu over. He sees the dessert listed and smiles. We make ice cream sundaes and watch some horror flick.

Before the movie though, he and I both change into jammies. He was very sweet and changed in the bathroom while I changed in his room. After changing I said I had to use the restroom, really it was to brush my teeth. I definitely did not want to have garlic breath and wasn't worried about having to brush my teeth after dessert.

I notice the movie was using a lot of jump scares, which made it so much less scary. Edward has me lying on top of him. I look up at him and notice he's staring at me again. He leans in and kisses me. It was a small peck, but it was more than enough to give me butterflies. He turns my head to deepen the kiss and I forget all about the movie.

After a while we break apart, both of us grinning. I rested my head on his chest, letting the steady rhythm of his heart lull me to sleep.

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