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Edward's POV
Lemon warning// I've never written the male POV in a lemon, so we will see how this goes. Also, this wasn't going to be a lemon but inspiration struck.

Though I was against Bella going out Christmas shopping, she was going stir crazy. She had begun complaining two days after our at home date. Though I didn't want to agree, Christmas was in a week and she needed some breathing space.

I stay close to her as she shops. She picks up a few things for Alice from Victoria's Secret. She got a custom jersey with McCarty on the back to go with Em's gift for my sister. He was going to propose on Christmas Eve. For Charlie, she got him a cabin for a weekend getaway to go fishing some time in March.

I noticed she picked up things for my parents as well. She told me she had sent Alice to pick up my gift so I couldn't cheat and figure out what it was. I have no idea what Bella would even think to get me. And Alice, well I couldn't even read her well to figure it out.
Bella and I are in the food court. We each have a cup of hot chocolate. She smiles at me sweetly. My phone rings and it's Chief Swan. I tell Bella I'll be right back and she nods.

I step away and answer. I can still see Bella and more importantly, she can see me. "Hello Chief."

"Edward, listen very carefully. We caught Mike. But, he has an accomplice. A woman by the name of Jessica Stanley. Apparently she was in love with him and he used it to her advantage. Do not let my daughter out of your sight. That girl is more insane than Mike. We're still going through her apartment, but it's bad. She's been stalking Bella and Mike since before their breakup. I know you two are out shopping, but get her home now."

"Will do."

"Also, see if she knows anything about Jessica. And Edward, keep my baby girl safe."

"Yes sir" I hang up the phone and walk quickly back to Bella. She noticed the look on my face and gathers all her bags. I take them from her and she complains.

"Isabella." I say lowly. "We need to leave."

"Is everything alright?" She asks as we make our way to the exit. I try to keep my face impassive.

"I'll explain everything when we're home safe." I take her hand in my free one. She nods and I pull her along. We were in Port Angeles right now, so it'd take us almost an hour to get home.

Once at the car, Bella climbs into the passenger seat, starting the car from her side while I put her bags into the back seat. She turns on the heat. It was supposed to snow within the next few hours. Hopefully it holds off until we get home.

I climb into the car and look at Bella. She looks scared and concerned. She leans over and kisses me softly. I take a much need breath after pulling away.

"Mike has been caught." I say to her. "But he has a partner. We think they might be after you too."

"Who?" Bella asks me. I can see the fear in her eyes.

"Bella, it's a woman by the name of Jessica Stanley. We think she..."

"Wait, the girl Mike cheated on me. That Jessica?" I look at her and she she hits her head with her hand. "Oh my gosh, I never told you he cheated. Well Mike cheated and I was already over it at that point and I called him out on it publicly. That's the day Emmett and Rose were there."

"Okay, what can you tell me about Jessica then?"

"Not much. She was my friend for a bit until Mike asked me out. She slept with him so he would breakup with me. Got pissy and called me a slut when she found out Mike slept with her because I refused have sex during the entirety of our relationship. Made side comments about me and how I was probably lying about Mike being abusive." Bella says. I make a mental note of all of these things. My girlfriend takes me hand and we head home.
Upon arriving home, Bella heads to the bathroom to run a bath. Her cheeks were pink from the bitter cold, winter air. I change into sweats and a t-shirt. I called Chief Swan and relayed the information that Bella had told me. The talk is brief, so I decided to watch some Christmas movies on the Hallmark channel.

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