The Eve of Christmas Eve

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Bella's POV

Edward and I had put up a Christmas tree a few nights ago. He hung mistletoe toe over his bed so that when we go to bed, we have a reason to make out. Kissing often lead to touching... and that lead us to other things.

Not every night ended with us having sex. Which my sore core was thankful for. I noticed that after we had sex, we were closer. Not like emotionally, but we craved each other's touch. When he came home from work, after he showered the first thing he did was come and cuddle. If I was in the living room before he showered, he would kiss me, practically making me swoon.

I texted Rose and Alice about it and they loved. This was apparently very normal. I was just overthinking. It was natural to crave the touch of someone you had a deep emotional connection. And, upon a lovely google search, it is possible to be touched starved.

Edward didn't seem to mind my constant need to be in his arms. In fact he seemed to enjoy it just as much. I lay on the couch, channel surfing to to pass the time. I had this obsession with hallmark movies. They were just too cute, even if they were the exact same plot with a carbon copy woman and love interest.

They were happy movies.

Edward was working later today than normal. With holidays, unfortunately, came increases crime. People were greedy sometimes; our quaint, little town was no exception to the horrid behavior that accompanied this time of year.

I head to the kitchen, Edward deserved something nice and sweet for working so hard and keeping me safe. I grab sugar, flour, and cinnamon. He wasn't a big cook, so my cookie baking recipes were limited. I sigh and decide on snickerdoodles. They would pair well with eggnog.

I find a bowl, some butter, and the cream. I also grabbed two eggs. I turn the oven onto 375°. I take a breath and just let my body do what comes naturally. Before I know it I'm rolling my dough balls in the sugar-cinnamon mix.

My grandmother, Charlie's mom, taught me before she passed away. She was adamant I learned to cook and bake. She said it would always keep me grounded and calm me down.

I make a mental note to share my lemon square bites recipe with Esme for one of her upcoming luncheons. She was a phenomenal interior decorator. And though she retired, she did network with interns will still running her own company.

I place the cookies onto a baking sheet. I set a timer for 8 minutes and head back into the living room. I suddenly remember I have laundry to grab from the dryer. I make my way down the hall. I grab the basket from the room and am unloading in the dryer when my phone vibrates in my back pocket.

"Hey Edward." I say as I balance the basket on my hip.

"Bella. I need you to listen carefully and don't say a word. Jessica is at the apartment complex. She's armed and is after you. Make sure all the doors are locked. Don't react like you know something is going on." He rushes the words out. "Don't answer the door. Don't interact at all. Go into the bedroom and barricade the door as quietly as you can."

"Okay. I understand." I try to stay as calm as possible.

"Bella, Charlie and I are on the way." He sounds frantic and I hear the police siren through the speaker.

I lock the front door. Then, I walk to the kitchen and turn off the oven. There was a few minutes left on the cookies. I silence my alarm, turn off the oven, crack the door to let the heat escape. I leave the television on and walk to the room. I locked the door.

Jessica was about my strength and build. I knew I had trouble putting something in front of the door that she would have trouble pushing it out of the way, but rage strength was real. I push Edward's dresser in front of the door. It wasn't super heavy, but heavy enough.

I sit with my body against the dresser. I hear sirens tear through the complex. I hold my breath. I count the seconds.

One... two... three... seventeen...twenty-nine... thirty-four...forty-seven...

Three minutes and my heart is racing. I hear a shot fire. I close my eyes and  wish for this to be over. My breathing quickens.
Meanwhile with Edward:

Someone had noticed Jessica around the apartment complex. She had been there the day we came home from the mall, waiting to see where I lived. A neighbor noticed her pull up about an hour or so after I had gone to the station for work.

Charlie was driving his cruiser as fast as he could on the icy roads. There were cops surrounding Jessica. She was frantic, demanding to see Bella. She was waving a knife threateningly.

"Bella is a whore. She is lying about Mike. He told me so. You'll all see." She screamed. A cop lowers his weapon and attempts to calm her down. He stepped toward her and that set her off. She lunged for the officer. One of the newer cops shot her in the shoulder, forcing her to drop the weapon. The blood spattered on the door of my apartment.

Jess screamed in pain. Clutching her shoulder. An EMT was ready and rushed to her aid. She tried to fight them, but was quickly sedated.

The whole ordeal was over without so much as a second thought. I unlock door to my home. I run down the hall, knocking on the door. The house smells like cookies.

"Bella honey, it's me. Everything is over. You're safe now." I hear something shuffle and the door opens enough for her to squeeze through. She's in my arms looking at me.

"Is everyone okay. I heard a shot. I was so worried." Bella is so anxious it all comes out as one big sentence. "Oh my god! Is my father okay? Where's Jessica?" She shoves a hand into her hair.

I hold her tightly. "Everyone is okay. Jessica Stanley is the only one injured and she will heal."

"Okay. Okay." Bella breaths, attempting to calm herself. Charlie walks and his daughter pulls from my embrace. She rushes to him and wraps her arms around him. She's crying.

"It's finally over." She mutters. She slumps against her dad. I watch him stroke her hair. They looked so relieved.

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