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A/N: Warning this chapter may trigger some users, it deals with domestic abuse and self hate. I will recap this section in the coming chapter for those who need me to do so. I tried to make it as light as possible, being an abuse survivor I hope this doesn't come off too cheesey. Also this kind of how I told a friend about my abuse, so aside from changing circumstances to fit Bella, this is mostly my experience. If anyone needs to talk my messages are open, feel free anytime.

Edward's POV
I was setting up the couch for me to sleep on while Isabella showered. Though it wasn't ideal, it was necessary to keep her safe. She said we needed to talk after her shower too.

That worried me a bit. Usually things got bad when girls said we need to talk. I have far too much time on my hands to think about what Bella could want to talk about. I turn on my CD player. Vivaldi's Seasons fill the air. Summer was by far my favorite. It was nice, sometimes a bit anxious; but it fit my mood. 

Bella comes out of the shower, her hair still a bit damp a little. She was in my grey Dartmouth shirt and black academy shorts. I liked how she looked. She stops to listen to the music. She smiles to herself. She makes her way to the couch. I feel my heart shudder when she looks at me. I was very afraid to lose this girl, even though we were not even official. 

In the three months we had known each, I grew very fond of her. I craved to see her. She was beautiful. Her eyes warmer than hot cocoa on a cold, snowy day. Her was always lovely waves of brown that fell perfectly over her shoulders. 

Bella pats the spot next to her. I take a seat and notice her fidget with her hands. I take one of her hands in my own. That electric spark I felt whenever we touched was stronger. I give her a smile. She takes a deep breath.

"Edward."She says letting out her breath. She swallows thickly."I have a few things to tell you. I um... as you know someone attempted to break into my home around the time we first met." The words seemed so hard for her to get out.

"Bella, was it connected to what happened tonight?" I ask her, squeezing her hand lightly. The brunette nods her head.

"I believe so. The first attack, it was my ex-boyfriend. Mike Newton." She takes another breath, her face contorting at his name. "We dated last year for part of my sophomore year. And well everything seemed fine... at first. He um, he liked to yell at me. And then about two or three months later, he got violent."

Bella looks at me sadly. She had tears in her eyes. "Bella you don't have to keep talking if you don't feel ready." I pull her closer to me. She's nearly in my lap. Bella laughs somberly. She looks at our hands.

"Edward. I hid the abuse. My dad knew something was wrong. Well for one, I can't lie to save my own ass. I hid the abuse all the way up until he cheated on me. We got into fight and I ended up with some bruised ribs. Your dad, he treated me. He called my father because I had a black. It was so bad I couldn't see out of it. My dad..." Bella has tears running down her cheeks. "He didn't know why I had stayed silent about it for so long. But it didn't matter because I didn't know either. My dad took me and to the apartment and told me to pack my things. I did and we left while Mike was out."

 "Why do I have a feeling things don't end there?" I could hear the anger in my voice.

"He showed up outside of building where I had class a few days later. He had evaded arrest, but everyone knew what he had done... he tried causing a scene. I made a smartass comment. I remember him hitting me, before my memory blocks out the rest. I know Emmett grabbed him and kicked his ass. The cops arrested Mike, but he was out on bail. Then, was sent back for stalking me. I have a restraining order... but what fucking good is a piece of paper against someone hellbent to ruin your life." Bella snorts another laugh. "He was the reason I called the cops that day. He knows better and honestly I hate myself for dating him."

"Bella it wasn't your fault." I say pulling her closer to me. She's sobbing softly into my chest. "Bella none of that is your fault." I brush my hand over her hair. She pushes away.

"God," she sniffles. "I fucking hate when people say that to me. Yeah, logically I know I couldn't control his actions. Yet, if I had just kept saying no whenever he asked me out, I wouldn't have been put in that situation. I know I shouldn't feel this way... but I just feel that way. If I hadn't his all my injuries. I blame myself for not leaving. My therapist... she tells me most survivors go through this. I feel this way and I know it's normal. Is it okay, no. But, you know what Edward?" 

"What?" I ask, taking her hand again. She wipes her tears and inhales. She holds the breath for a moment.

"My therapist told me that I am valid. I learned a lot about myself because of her. And, I know now that I forgive him." She looks away. "He will pay for what he did to me. But, I'm not angry with him. I never loved him. The only person left to forgive..." Bella pauses and looks at me. "Is myself. I like you Edward and if you can accept my skeletons, I'd like you to be in my life. Though, I will respect if this is too much." She looks afraid. I process everything she has said. I didn't think Bella was stronger. I thought she was still Bella. Beautiful and precious.

I hug her small frame. "I will be with you every step of the way. I know it sounds cliche, but I also like you. No one is perfect. You can't change your past, but the way I see it..." I give her a joking smile. "You can either run from it, or learn from it."

Bella giggles, her eyes still damp from the tears though. "Did you just make a Lion King reference?"

"I may have." I say squeezing her. Bella looks relieved. The whole story finally pieced together and I was thankful for her honesty. I was worried for her, but she seemed to have a good therapist. And, that was another thing... she was in therapy. Most domestic abuse survivors refuse to go at all. Those that did, usually did alright. Those that didn't, coped however they felt best.

It took courage to ask for help and for that I was proud of Bella, though I suspect it came as a suggestion/demand from Chief Swan. Bella and I soon retire. Bella wanted to take the couch, but I deliberately stayed up later so I could lay her down in my bed before I knocked out on the couch.

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