Words and Meanings

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(A/N: This chapter is going to seem jumpy because I kind of goofed and started with Edward's POV and switched without even noticing. SORRY!!!)

Edward's POV

It is open mic night at the coffee shop in town. Alice invited me to watch Bella perform. It was for her public speaking class. Bella sips her spiced chai latte patiently. She seemed relaxed today. It was rare sight. Her father had me check in on her throughout the week. He was worried about her constantly.

"So, how's your week been so far?" The brown-haired beauty asks me. She is casual. Yet, still intriguing.

"It's been interesting. We caught some kids trying to vandalize some squad cars as a part of gang initiation." I say to her.

"Charlie mentioned that, It's crazy... y'know gangs making their way to Forks." She shakes her head. She didn't sound too worried about it though.

Bella is called and she gets up. Her hips sway when she walks up to the small stage area. Alice gets her phone ready to record. Bella swallows and then takes a calming breath.

"Hi, I'm Bella" She says into the mic. She gives a small wave. "I'll be performing an original poem."

"You go Bella." Alice calls out. Bella blushes. She was wearing a pair of jeans and a normal black v-neck. She takes a deep breath. Her face flushed with color. It was enthralling. 


Bella's POV

"I dream of auburn skies and silver clouds ." She starts calmly. "I dream of a castle with ceilings so high I get lost looking up at them. Libraries so large I'll never read every book in my lifetime... or the next." She smiles happily. "I live in this castle, but a queen I am not. A tutor or simple maid, maybe. The castle is great for hide and seek. I dream of the forests, and I dream of fields of flowers. Dangerous and dark..." Bella paused. "Yet, so colorful, and oh so bright. The meadow is nice. The meadow is safe. Lilacs of white and purple, and Lilies white and orange. Innocent youth and first loves. Purity and passion. I see marigolds all around. They warn me of pain to come. Each white rose I see is withered, they fill me with sorrow. There are so many flowers. There are so many stories in these flowers. I never stay in the field long. I always return to the castle, even when I wish I could retreat into the forest, to my small peaceful meadow."

I close my notebook and walk off the stage. The small gathering of people claps and I blush. I managed to make it to my table before I trip. Officer Cullen catches me, making my face much more red. I look up into his eyes. They're very warm and very green. These were eyes you could trust.

I stand up and step back. "Thanks".

"No problem. You did really awesome by the way." The god-like man looks down at me. My heart skips a beat and I wonder briefly what life had been like if I had come to live in Forks sooner. What would have changed, what wouldn't have? More importantly, what would happened between me and this gorgeous man. 


(Edward's POV)

Bella had performed an amazing piece at tonight's open mic. She looked really uncomfortable being the center of attention though. Bella saw herself as a commoner, not as a queen. I was a bit shocked, she seemed like a lovely woman. I've heard Chief talk about her, she's his pride and joy. 

Bella joins us back at the table, but she nearly trips and I catch her. Our hands interlock and I feel a warm current run through my body. I look down into her beautiful brown eyes. She blushes, soft pink color. She looked warm. I get lost in her gaze for a moment.

I tell her she did a good job and give her a hug. I felt the current run through us again. The brunette pulls away. She and Alice want to stay for a bit while longer, so we do. They sip their coffee and we make small talk.

"So Bella, where did you live before Forks?" I ask her. She is sipping her latte and smiles.

"Lovely, sunny Phoenix, Arizona." She says chuckling. She tucks a strand of her hair behind her ear. I was shocked. Bella was pale, very pale. She could give Casper the Friendly Ghost a run for his money.

"I would have never guessed Arizona." I say to her. "It has to be an adjustment from the dry heat to well the always raining." Bella's hand is rest on the table, I place my hand on top of hers and she looks up at me. A soft blush overtaking her face.

"I moved back almost 4 years ago... although I wasn't all too tan to begin with." She explains. "I was the girl who sat in the middle row so she'd be overlooked, read through classes when her work was done, didn't really socialize until I got here. Now I'm a semester and half away from graduating college. A year early in fact." She's rambling and when she notices she pulls her hand back, and looks at her lap.

"Oh really. I don't think you told me what you were studying, Ms.Swan?"I phrase my statement as more of a question. She looks at me, her gaze ensnares me once more. Her eyes were warm pools of chocolate.

"English and education." She smiles smally. "I wasn't sure if I wanted to go into publishing or be a teacher, still not really sure." 

"Both have their advantages." I say to her. She nods in agreement. "What are your hobbies?" She takes a moment to think about it. She bites down on her lip.

"I'm kind of boring. I mainly just read or watch movies. I've dabbled a bit in writing, but I doubt I'll ever go beyond that. Alice makes me go shopping with her. And Rose takes me with her to car shows. Do you know how many people swooned over my still 1953 Chevy that's still running. I got so many offers to buy it off of me on the spot." She blushes when she realizes she talking more than she think she should. "What do you like to do..."

"I'm super outdoorsy. I love hiking, and kayaking, and exercising in general. Although, I'm kind of a major bookworm too." I tell her honestly. I notice her yawn. Alice suggests we should head out, seeing as we all needed rest. Bella gave me her number and told me to call her sometime. She had blushed deep red. She was sweet, beautiful and smart. She was definitely someone I wanted to get to know. 

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