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Kim Taehyung, a 24-year-old male who was living his life to the fullest- or well if you called ordering out almost every day and going to work at a bar until six am- then yeah, he was living his best life. Pretty normal boy if you asked anyone. Taehyung grew up with two loving parents who he left back in Daegu to come out into Seoul.

At first, he did have intentions of going back to school but within the first month of schooling, he realized why he never went back to school and dropped out. Of course his parents were mad at him but in the end, they accepted that Taehyung wanted to figure out his path in life.

Even if his path ended up with him working all night in a bar until six am. The boy was a vampire- or that was what his parents called him. Noontime he would awake and order his food before heading back out to work. Most days he would get days off of course but other than that, he basically lived at the bar.

Yoon Beomseok and Yoon Kwan. Taehyung's adoptive parents though he never looks at them like that. They raised him since he was just three months and he was grateful for the two who decided to take him and raise him to be the best he could be today and he would always be forever grateful for the two.

Taehyung was an only child due to Kwan not being able to carry a child- and that would be the reason Taehyung was adopted but even due to the circumstances of him being adoptive because of so, he was still very grateful he was fostered and adopted by his parents who care for him more than they do for themselves.

"Just don't forget to pick up Jisung, alright?" Taehyung listened to his mother blabber on about how Jisung had gotten into another fight and that his mother was at work. Another reason he moved out to Seoul was to help his mom's childhood friend with her son Jisung.

The woman was a single mother who worked two jobs to make sure Jisung had a roof over his head and clothes on his back along with food in his stomach. Sometimes Taehyung would help with the money and so Jisung was like a little brother to Taehyung in a way. "Yeah, I'm on my way right now," Taehyung spoke into the phone.

"Alright, good! and did you take your pill?" She reminded Taehyung who chuckled airily. "Yes mother, I took my pill. I've been taking them since sixteen, I've got the routine down now alright? Trust me." Taehyung pursed his lips together and waited until he was at the school to take his pill that he forgot to take as he listened to his mother talk about how his father was determined to fix the leak in the roof but ended up hammering his finger instead, three times.

"Tell father to call roof repairing." Taehyung pulled up to the school and found a place to park. "Are you kidding? I called them the same day your father almost hammered off his fingers." She whispered into the phone and his father was heard in the background. "I heard that Yoon Kwan!"

Taehyung smiled widely and shook his head. "I gotta go now, I'm at the school. I'll call later." Taehyung grabbed his phone from his lap and his mother hummed. "Be safe, I love you." She sniffed and Taehyung could only chuckle, she was so dramatic. "Love you too, bye." Taehyung waited for the bye back but his mother hung up on him.

Taehyung scoffed and looked at his phone with a disbelieving look. "Ouch." Taehyung shut his phone and got out, locking his car before walking into the school. Taehyung rolled his shoulders back as he made his way to the principal's office where he visited a lot due to Jisung and his fights. Though he couldn't be mad, Jisung only fought to defend himself or other people.

Or that was what he was told anyway. "Park Jisung?" Taehyung popped his head in and the principal raised her head. "Ah, Mr. Kim. Jisung is in his history class collecting some homework for the next three days." She raised an eyebrow. Taehyung clicked his tongue and nodded.

"Another three-day suspension?" Taehyung asked and the principal nodded before Taehyung sighed. "Well, Thank you and I'm sorry for the trouble." Taehyung walked out and turned to hurry off to the history class which took him sometime considering he had to ask for help along the way.

Though as he reached the class, Jisung had just finished grabbing his work. That's when Taehyung had walked in and caught Jisung talking to his history teacher. As Taehyung stood there, his eyes lightened by the memory of his pills. Slowly Taehyung took his pills out of his pocket and opened up the bottle, popping one into his mouth.

"You ready?" Taehyung asked Jisung who nodded. Taehyung swallowed down the pill after struggling to down it with only his saliva- yes it's gross but it was whatever, his body. "Mr. Kim." The high school teacher stopped Taehyung who looked at the male and hummed. "I'm sorry, are those.." The man pointed at the pills.

Taehyung looked at his pills and raised an eyebrow before showing them to Jisung's teacher. "I've been taking them since I was sixteen. Do you take them too?" Taehyung asked in hopes to know someone else with the same condition. "No, no I don't but I know someone who does. Are you.. right.. now?" He asked and Taehyung only stared at the man confusingly.

"I'm sorry. I'm Kim Namjoon, Jisung's history teacher. In any case, do you know what these pills are?" Namjoon asked Taehyung who slowly grabbed his pills back. "Uh.. well, my doctor prescribed to me when I was younger. He said my body is not the same as others and this would help me? I don't know exactly but he is the doctor so." Taehyung shrugged as Jisung hit the back of Taehyung's leg making his one leg give up.

"I'm sorry, I must be going." Taehyung turned and grabbed onto Jisung by the shirt. "Wait, Mr. Kim, I actually would like to speak to you about the pills whenever you have time." Namjoon stepped forward as Taehyung thought about it for a moment, uncomfortable but what the heck. "I'll drop by whenever I'm free." Is all Taehyung said as he pushed Jisung out of the class and made his way out.

As for Namjoon, he was quite confused about why the boy was so clueless about the pills he was on. Either he was playing a good act or he really didn't know what the pills were actually. Even so- he wanted to hear about this story and about his students older brother- or well, cousin in this case.

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