Chapter 11 - Gold

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"I'm not counting, Lady Serena.", he now answered and put his amused expression on again, "You need other ordinary people around you, so as not to be strange. Believe me, I have seen some people who have experienced something like this.".

For a moment, Serena became curious, obviously referring to Sebastian's past human masters, but she was silent. Although she had often wondered if Sebastian would eventually tell her about the other people he had entered into a pact with, she had never really dared to address him directly. But she doubted that contact with other people would keep her from becoming "strange." For most people, she was probably already weird and Serena did not mind. It was really as she had said: the only person she needed was her butler Sebastian. And of course her little brother Hyder, that was out of the question, but he was not at her side right now.

A brief melancholy flowed through her, as it always did when she thought of Hyder, and she wondered again where he was and in what condition he was. She longed so much to be able to take little Hyder in her arms again and sighed softly and resignedly.

She just did not feel like quarreling with Sebastian and the guests would certainly come up soon, so in a way she succumbed to her fate.

"What do you mean, Sebastian?", she said so steering in and stroked a few blond strands of the face, "Am I in your opinion dressed appropriately enough now?". The question sounded a bit more irritated and biting than she had intended, but he could feel that she did not really feel like dealing with the earl's son. For a moment, her butler's gaze moved down at her and he smiled almost happily and nodded to her.

"Of course, Lady Serena.", he answered.

"Nice.", she murmured sourly and crossed her arms. She felt just as twelve again, because it had always been similar when her parents had received visitors and Serena had to be there with a smile and finely dressed, although she had never really felt like it.

The loud knock on the front door of the cottage tore Serena from her thoughts and softly she sighed.

"Well ... now it's too late to cancel, anyway.", she said softly to herself and Sebastian grinned complacently.

"I'm pleased that even in such situations, you can keep an eye on the positive side of things.", he pointed out, and Serena shot him glares.

"Go ahead and open the door before I forget my good upbringing and throw some ugly words on you.", she growled slightly irritated. Of course, Sebastian remained unaffected by the threat, and continued to grin at her, half courteously, half cheekily.

"Of course, Lady Serena.", he said again and left the room. Shaking her head, Serena looked after him. This demon is far too self-confident and actually he would need a damper on his mind, she thought briefly, but of course it was impossible for a person to implement such a project in action.

With a brief sigh, Serena finally set off and made her way down to the lobby. Sebastian had already let the guests and now it was up to her to show up.

"Dear Ciel Phantomhive, Elizabeth Midford, I am glad that you ...", she began as she descended the stairs in the lobby, but her remaining words stuck in her throat when she was surprised to find out that there were four guests instead of two.

"May I introduce you?", Sebastian began, giving Serena another challenging look, "Prince Soma Asman Kadar of Bengal.". Serena would have liked to throw a vase at Sebastian, so much did his cheeky look upset her. She could almost hear his smirking thoughts, for of course Serena's mood worsened more than expected.

"A ... prince?", Serena finally found her voice again and walked slowly down the stairs, "How do I get to this honor?".

Only then did Serena realize that she had seen this prince before, on the ball in the estate of the Phantomhives some time ago. She had already noticed the young man there, for he had a rather dark skin tone, which was atypical for this area, and had been dressed in foreign clothes. Of course, Serena had never guessed that this purple-haired young man was a prince from a distant land. The man next to him also sounded familiar to Serena, having not left the Prince's side during the ball.

The colour of devil eyes (Black Butler love story)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora