I was laying on Freddie's lap when the phone rang. I tiredly got up from the couch and slugged my way over to the phone.


"Hi Nina, it's Brian, is Freddie there?"

"Yes hold on."

I motioned to Freddie to come and he took the phone from me.

"This is he." He laughed. "Uh-huh...... well that's good.......I don't know... I think we should just cancel the band practice today anyway.... we are all in not to good of shape.." He laughed. "Alright, Brian.... thank you..... goodbye." He hung up the phone.

"What was that about?" I asked as he sat back down on the couch.

"Roger hasn't puked since eight, so we see that as an improvement. John called asking if we still had band practice and I told Brian to tell him to forget about it. We all are not in the shape to work today."

"So John's alright then, he's not dead." I laughed.

"I guess not." Freddie chuckled. "Why so interested in John?"

"I'm not!" I said getting defensive. "I just understand his social anxiety and I just wanted to make sure he was okay," I told him crossing my arms.

Freddie again gave me that look as if he knew something. He then went to the bathroom and when he came back he changed the subject.

It was a week until I saw John again. I tagged along with Freddie to band practice. Freddie said they were finally preparing for an album.

I sat my bag down and made myself comfortable in a chair that was up against the wall. The band rented out a small room in Roger's uni. It worked just well for them.

Freddie said that he was going to go and look from some cord or something (I wasn't really paying attention) with Roger and Brian.

I just nodded in response and got my sketchbook out. I was working on a logo for a shop uptown. It was a big project and whoever's is best in my class gets used for the shop.

I heard the door open and I looked up slightly from my sketchpad to see his beautiful face.

He entered the room, a black case slung around his back. Bits of snowflakes were jumbled up in his hair. He had a red scarf around his neck with a black jacket. He was wearing blue jeans with brown boots.

"Hello John," I said happily. He looked up from the ground and his face lit up.

"Nina." He said surprised. "Hi...how have you been?" He asked walking more into the room.

"Good, you?"

"Alright." He said smiling sweetly. He took his bass off from his back and removed his jacket, and scarf, setting them on a nearby chair. He then got down onto the floor to unzip the case. He took the brown bass guitar out of its case and put the strap around his body. He then walked over to a chair by the drum kit and started tuning his bass up. He plucked the strings, and I had to admit, it was hot. I'm not even going to try and sugar code it. It was hot.

"Hey, when can I cash in those bass lessons, aye, Deaky?"

He looked up from his bass surprised.

"Whenever you want." He replied smiling shyly.

"How about my place tomorrow, say three?"

He looked even more surprised. I couldn't blame him, I was surprised at what I had just said as well.

"Ahhhhhh, yeah, sure... I'd love to." He responded.

"Great." I smiled just as the rest of the boys walked into the room. Cords in hand.

A Killer Queen (John Deacon)Where stories live. Discover now