LID - Chapter 31

Începe de la început

And with that, he tried to fix his bed again while mumbling something.

"I just got back from the party, tired and everything, and now, your blaming me for something I didn't even do?? The hell!!"

Well actually, it's not mumbling anymore.

Anyways, if it's not him... Then who?

I've decided to just do the investigation plan for tomorrow, morning by myself since I'm pretty tired right now too and I'm sure, everyone's sleeping at this time already just like this roommate of mine.

Just as I was about to go to sleep, this brain of mine just got an idea.

The cctv!!

That's right. Bwahahahahah! I'll know whoever you are real soon and just an advice, to whoever you are, take a looooong deep sleep tonight because starting tomorrow, it's gonna be the start of your living hell. Wahahahaha!!

Lisa's POV

"Lisa, what's that?"

Huh? I turn around to face Rosé and she seems to be looking at my waist area.

I followed the direction of her eyes and ghad!

Why is the necklace here?!

"Is that a necklace?? Wahhh, let me see! I wanna seeeeeeeee!!"

Oh, no.

"Rosé, don't! It's not mine."

She stopped from being childish to a serious mode. If you could just see her right now, her face turned from an excited look to a confused look.

"Then, why is hanging around with you?"

She then gasped.

"Lisa, don't tell me you took it from Jennie?! You know it's not good to steal gifts from someone else! Oh my ghad, Lisa! Is that the reason why you wanted me to cover you up to give you some time to steal?!"

Sighs. This girl, really.

"Of course not! I just accidentally brought it with me. But, I swear! I didn't stole it. I just wanted to take a good look of what's inside of this familiar necklace."

I really hate explaining. I feel like I'm being investigated.

"Okay, chill. I believe in you. Just promise me to return it as soon as possible, alright?"

I just nod at her and then, she said her goodbyes already. I wonder why she keeps on going out. I mean, why though? Out of curiosity again, I followed her.

She stopped by the restaurant and a waiter went up to go near her and ask her about something.

Nah, maybe her order?? Maybe she just wants to eat. Sighs, Rosé and her food, really.

I was about to go back when I noticed she declined the waiter. The waiter just nod at her and went back to his usual place. Hmm, she seems to be waiting for someone else. Something is fishy going on around here.

I gasped.

Is she!

I've waited for almost ten minutes already and he seems to be not here yet. Gosh! Why do you let a girl especially like Rosé wait for someone like you? Boys, really. Tsk!

Opps, he's here! Finally.

Right now, he's facing his back on me. So, I really can't see his face. But, just as the look of his back, it seems very familiar. I'm hundred 💯 percent sure it's not from Jimin, just by the look of his height. Hehe, no offense to you,  Jimin! Wherever you are.

Anyways, let's get back to the guy earlier. He sat down and Chae seems to be smiling very widely just as by looking at this guy. Is she really that in love already? Or maybe because...

Argh!! I can't think of anything else. Oh no, Chae. You can't! We must not have any connections with any of them.

Holy Sh*t!
Is that

Hi Amazers! I'm really really so so sorry for the slow update. I'll try my best to update sooner and I hope you don't give up patiently waiting for me as I won't give up either in finishing this story. Hope you like it and please don't forget to vote for more updates. 😊

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