Depressed and Hating Seekers

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Okey so before we begin the song was suggested by ma bestie GoodbyeBiHelloGay its a really good song and it fits for Sounders right now so yeah thanks sis!! Anyway on with da story!

Soundwave sat sprawled across the medical berth passed out from all of the crying. He clung to Megatron's unconsious body like a child to their favourite teddy bear. Eventually, Shockwave had found out what had happened and rushed to Medbay immediately to find his younger brother like this. 

It pained him to see Soundwave in such a vulnerable state. His brother was usually so emotionless and stotic that he had forgotten how sensitive and sentimental he really was behind his visor. The scientist gently lifted his sibling, grabbed his visor and went to put him into his berth. Shockwave then went to see Knockout.
"So how long was he there?" Shockwave asked.
" 'Bout an hour and a half. Primus it scared me at first to see and hear him sob, to be honest it frightened me a little," The red 'con replied.
"I know he is very delicate under that mask. His emotions are much stronger than many cybertronians and he will most likely be very upset and depressed when he wakes up," the one-eyed con answered. Knockout gave him a concerned look.
"And just how sad and depressed are we talking here?" Knockout asked.
"It's logical to assume that Soundwave will not have any energy to do the things he usually does such as his work. So I'll take over for him tomorrow. He will also lock himself up in his berthroom. He will be okay but we'll have to check up on him every now and again to make sure," Shockeave sighed. "He'll probably try and refuse to have his energon so we'll have to make him and he'll want to be alone so we should probably take Laserbeak and Ravage off of his hands so he won't be as stressed." They both looked to the ground neither had any words to say. It felt like the Rumble and Frenzy accident all over again. Poor Soundwave. Primus must hate him after all he'd been through and yet he still got more scrap that he didn't deserve.
"We should go and collect the symbionts," Knockout finally said. Shockwave nodded and they both left the room.

/the next day (with Soundwave)/

Ugh. Soundwave didn't want to do anything other than cry. But he had a job so he had to do that. However something caught his eyes before he could get up. A note, on his bedside table next to a cube of energon. It read:
'Dear Soundwave,
There is no need for you to get up today, I'll make sure to do all of your work so that you can have a much needed rest. Myself and Knockout have taken Laserbeak and Ravage off your servos so that you don't have to stress as much.
Please drink the energon brother and take care.
From Shockwave.'

Soundwave allowed himself to smile a little. His brother may be annoying sometimes but he does care about him and he couldn't be more greatful. He still hadn't recovered from the events of yesterday and felt woeful. He drank the energon and got a shower in the wash racks. It felt great to feel the warm water against his metal.

Once finished, he grabbed an old datapad and began to look at photos of him and Megatron/Megatronus. The photos were very old but they brought back happy memories of them in the past. Before war had consumed their lives and made it a misery. He found a particular photo of him, Megatron, Shockwave and his 4 symbionts. He began to cry again and the tears wouldn't stop, they just kept flowing down his faceplates. He curled up in a ball as he recounted what had happened to his other two symbionts:

{*He hung there in pain from his open wounds waiting for his capture to come back and torture him again. And so he did, stood there smirking while staring at Soundwave as his own optics were on the floor. The mech grabbed his chin and made the third in command look into his own blue ones.
"Finally awake my little pet~ well this is good timing," the mech said.
"I have a suprise for you," he continued. From the door he heard, two familiar voices.
"Hey let us go you Autobot scum!" Rumble and Frenzy. Oh scrap, no primus no! Soundwave began to squirm and try get out of his restraints.
"Ah ah ah now my pet be a good mech or I'll have to punish you," his capture said, evily grinning. The small twins were tossed into the room, both in chains and beaten mercilessly.
"Boss!" They both screamed.
"Silence pests!!" The mech said, using a large electric whip to hit them. They cried in agony and Soundwave screamed himself and began to cry.
"Please don't hurt them! I'll tell you whatever you want to know just please!" He screeched. The mech put back on that evil smirk.
"Oh but my pet where's the fun in that? Besides you took something I cared about and destroyed it so now it's my turn!" He yelled. He grabbed an axe and drove it into Rumble's spark and killed him instantly. Soundwave screeched and began squirming and sobbing even more when he felt the bond die as Rumble did. Then he moved on to Frenzy who was sobbing his spark out.
"Boss I'm gonna miss you-" he said before he was given the same fate and his twin. Soundwave looked to the ground tears filling his visor.
"Now my pet let's put you to good use~" the mech said, walking to him.*}

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