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The next day, Soundwave woke up with the warlord's arms wrapped around his waist and his head resting on the silent 'cons shoulder. This has him smiling, Megatron looked so cute. He kissed the top of the warlord's helm stirring the larger mech out of recharge.
"Hmmmm good morning my love," The leader said, kissing him back.
"Good morning sweetspark," Soundwave replied.

After that, they got up, took shower in the washracks and left for a day at work. As they walked down the corridoor, Megatron had an idea. He scooped the communications officer in his arms and carried him bridal style into the control room. Soundwave was blushing under his visor trying to escape in any way possible. Eventually he allowed himself to be carried, but he was still embarressed. The Vehicons that were in the room looked very confused, I mean you would be if you saw your leader carrying your third in command bridal style into your place of work.
"Uh Lord Megatron?" The vehicon known as St3v3 said questioningly.
"What is it?" Megatron answered placing Soundwave down.
"Well my leige we've detected Autobot signals in one of our mines," the vehicon replied. Then the warlord put on his signiture smirk and said,"Ah not even the afternoon yet and Optimus is already getting on my nerves."

Soundwave could see that his lover was sick of fighting. There was always that hint of tiredness in his eyes when the news of Autobots attacking came into his notice. The silent 'con knew that the silver mech regreted starting the war now. Back then Megatron was so much younger; he was naive, stubborn and a little stupid but Soundwave stuck by him, through thick and thin. Now though, he could tell that the mighty leader of the Decepticons was wore down and just wanted to settle down and even start a family.

So the communications officer pulled Megatron aside before he left on his mission.
"Yes what is it my love?" The leader asked.
"Megatron, I know your sick of this war however it won't get any easier. If you just asked Optimus for a truce then you can finally have the rest that you deserve. I know what I'm saying probably won't change your mind but just know that I'm with you 'til the end of the line, (oof gotta love a bit of stucky)" Soudwave replied. The larger 'con smiled lovingly down at his newly acclaimed love and began to caress his cheekplate. He knew that the con was right but he just couldn't think of a way to ask Optimus for a truce. What he had done was unforgivable, he had not only raged a war which had led to the end of his home planet but he had lost one of his closest friends. He had betrayed Orion and he knew Optimus would never forgive him for that.
"Soundwave you are the love of my life, you always have been and I would risk everything for you. However I can't ask Optimus to forgive me for what I've done just yet. This war will end simply when it does. And if I die please know that no matter what you were my whole universe and I will always love you," The warlord answered softly.
"I understand my leige but please don't ever suggest that you will offline to me ever again or I might slap you," Soundwave said, crossing his arms. The leader chuckled, kissed his cheek and left for the mission. The silent 'con sighed, went to his screen and began his work.

/About an hour later/

"Lord Megatron is badly injured send backup!" A vehicon shouted through the screen. Soundwave tensed at this and shook with anger and he turned from the screen. He opened a groundbridge infront of him and walked into the battlefield attempting to find the fragger responsible for hurting his mech. Thats when he saw them.

His one true love lying on the floor, energon pouring from his body. He had scratches and cuts all the way down his frame but there was a huge gash in his stomach armour from a blade. And above him stood his arch nemesis: Optimus Prime. Towering over his love with his blade held high, pede on the Decepticon leader's chestplate. Soundwave felt his frame radiate with anger and fury however he pushed the feeling down as the two began to talk.
"So this is how it's going to end? Not the way I had hoped for something a little better," Megatron weakly spoke.
"It would not have ended this way if it was not for your actions Megatron. Now you will die for all the pain you have caused, any last words?" The autobot leader replied.
"Just a few: I hope you rot in the pits Prime!" His lord yelled as much as he could.

Just as Optimus was going to drive his blade into Megatron's spark chamber, Soundwave ran forwards and knocked the Prime away from his lover.
"S-soun-dwave?" The warlord asked weakly from the ground. The Communications Officer stared at him then to the Vehicons that were close by. His visor read: 'Get Lord Megatron to Medbay. Then the drones carried his true love away while he faced the one who had threatened the one he cared most about.
"Soundwave? Still Megatron's personal pet I see," the Prime asked.
"Query: What I do is none of your business Autobot. Suggestion: Mind your own damn business before I do some damage," he replied using his secondary vocaliser that made him seem monotonal. Optimus growled and charged at him. Soundwave unleashed his tenticles and blocked all of the Prime's attacks. As Optimus continued to try leave a mark on him, Soundwave secretly retracted a small blade. He violently slashed the blade across the Autobot's stomach plating. The prime staggered back, obviously in pain. Soundwave struck again and electricuted him. He fell with a large thud and the silent 'con stared over him.
"Suggestion: Do not harm Lord Megatron again or next time I will terminate you!" The con spoke.
"Wait you aren't going to kill me?" The autobot gasped.
"Answer: No, that pleasure belongs to Lord Megatron," Soundwave replied as he turned and left the Prime to fend for himself. He opened a groundbridge and stepped through.

As soon as he entered, there were Vehicons waiting for him.
"Sir are you okay? Are you injured? Sir? Sir-" Soundwave ingnored them and went straight to the Medbay.

Once he arrived his spark fell at the sight of Megatron hooked up to a bunch of machines. He walked over and went to grab his lovers hand when Knockout and Breakdown stepped into the room. He flinched away and turned his attention to the two mechs, expecting a report on Megatron's wellbeing. Knockout knew this so he didn't waste any time and began to tell him.
"He has sustained a lot of major and minor injures and will most likely stay like this for about two Earth days," the red 'con said. Soundwave nodded. 'May I have a moment alone with him,' His visor read. The two nodded and left him alone.

He removed his visor and looked at his love. He felt tears drop from his optics until he started to sob and clutched the warlord's hand in his own.
"Oh why? Why? Why do you do this to me? The first time was bad enough and now this! Please don't offline on me, please! I can't live without you! Please my love, pull through," he cried, loudly. He sobbed even more. Soundwave wasn't a mech who ever cried. This was twice now in the last week! He didn't care though. The whole crew plus the Autobots could be watching him right now and he wouldn't care, ya know why?

Because he loved Megatron too much to care.

....I apologise for this heartbreaking chapter. I may have cried writing this... who am I kidding I DEFINATELY cried writing this. Sorry again I'll see you in the next chapter.😢😭😢😭

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