Bonding (cybertronian)

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Hey guys back again! Sorry I haven't updated this in a while but I realised I can't write smut it's just strange for me to write so there will be no smut in this, sorry 😐Anyway on with the chapter.

Soundwave woke up in his old berthroom with a stretch. He was in his old room because like in human culture, Cybertronians aren't allowed to see each other until the party. Marriage ceremonies are kind of backwards in Cybertronian culture; they had the party first and the actual bonding afterwards.

He went to his wash racks and had a relaxing shower before his brother and Knockout showed up. He needed a paint and wax but also needed some Cybertronian patterns painted on him too. Not like normal paint, this one will wash off.

There was a knock at the door and Soundwave went and opened it. Outside were Knockout and Shockwave with wax and paint.
"Why hello," the medic said.
"Hi come in, let's get this over with," Soundwave replied. They came in and Knockout began with the paint and wax.
"Your lucky you have me here to help you I mean can you imagine the mess that Starscream would make of your paint job," Knockout sassed.
"I know! Starscream is the definition of the word mess and besides I wouldn't let him anywhere near my paint job," The TIC joked. They laughed and Knockout finished up.

"Okay time for the traditional patterns," Shockwave said as he began with the removable silver paint. He began sketching Cybertronian words onto his brothers chest and along his arms.
"So are you nervous 'Wave?" The red mech asked.
"A little, I mean I love Megatron and I want to be with him but there's that small feeling of worry in the back of my spark," Soundwave admitted.
"Well just know that we're here for you," Knockout responded.

/With Megatron/

Megatron had waxed and polished his paint job and was just waiting for Optimus and Ratchet to come and give him a hand with the Cybertronian patterns. There was a knock at his door and he went over and opened it. Sure enough Orion and his bondmate were there smiling a little.
"Hello Megatronus," The blue and red mech greeted cheerfully.
"Hey come in, the quicker this is over the better," The silver mech answered. The two came in and had a little look around.
"Primus I never knew you kept all these photos Megatron," Ratchet stated.
"Hmm? Oh yeah well it's nice to look at them every now and again. I have a datapad full of pictures of me and Soundwave in the draws next to my berth," he answered pointing to draws. As Optimus started on the painting (which is gold btw), Ratchet took it upon himself to have a look at the photos.

There were lots of them. Some of them actually in the Gladiator pits and some when they were out in clubs and other places. The medic thought that they were beautiful since both mechs were laughing and smiling in a lot of them. Then he had an idea.
"Megatron do you mind if I take these and show them at the bonding party? It'll be nice for yourself and Soundwave to see them again," The orange and white mech asked. The ex decepticon thought for a moment.
"Sure why not," Megatron answered.

Optimus finished up the paint. His was similar to Soundwave's except in gold and had a few different words but they were still and his chest and arms.
"Right lets get this over and done with," the Gladiator stated.

/With Soundwave/

Soundwave paced the corridor a little since Megatron wasn't here yet. He wasn't running late, he was probably just taking his time. But that didn't make the purple mech worry less.
"Well don't you look stunning my Queen," he heard from behind him. Surely enough there stood his future bondmate ready and smirking.
"And you look handsome as always my love," the smaller mech replied taking his place beside him.
"Who knows what these idiot have planned for this party, I hope it won't ruin my ship. And Primus knows what Ratchets done with those photos," Megatron sighed. Soundwave looked up at him in confusion.
"Photos?" He asked.
"I believe it's a surprise my dear," his lover answered as the doors opened into the party room for the day.

They walked in, arms linked, and everyone (Cybertronian and human) cheered for them both. It made Soundwave blush a little bit but he just looked up and saw his smirking mate which made him feel a little better.
"CONGRATULATIONS FRAGGERS!" Knockout yelled. Pretty much everyone there rolled their eyes, well except Miko who was beaming.
"Anyway now that he has had his little moment I have a surprise," Ratchet announced. "Myself, Shockwave and Raf put this together so we hope you enjoy." Everyone looked to where there was now a screen and pictures of Megatron and Soundwave started popping up with a slow song in the background. The TIC stared at the screen with tears forming in his eyes. He looked up to his soon to be bondmate and smiled to which the other returned.

The video finished with a photo of the two's first meeting and read 'Megatronus and Soundwave, forever in love. Congratulations!'. To be totally honest it nearly made Soundwave burst into tears but instead he grabbed the sides of his lovers face and kissed him.
"I love you so much," he whispered.
"I love you too," the ex gladiator replied.
"And now dancing!" Exclaimed Knockout.

/Time skip/

Megatron carried Soundwave to their room bridal style while keeping his lips to his lovers. Once in the room, Soundwave was quickly on his back on the berth with Megatron above him.
"I believe we've waited too long for this so let's get this over with a spark bond immediately," The silver mech said.
"I couldn't agree more my love," the smaller mech answered, opening his chest plates and exposing his spark to the other. Megatron did the same and the two sparks quickly connected. Shortly after memories from the other started to fill their minds. Soundwave saw Megatron's childhood, his rise to the undefeated champion of the Gladiator pits and his time during the war. One memory however stood out the most.
*~Megatron's memory:
He was sat on his throne in the Decepticon base in Kaon worried sick. Soundwave had been taken prisoner. His most loyal soldier, his right hand TIC and his secret crush had been taken from his by the fragging Autobots. He was furious and his patience was wearing thin.

Starscream walked into the room and he looked at him for answers.
"We have managed to secure Soundwave's location My Lord shall I assemble a team?" He asked.
"No! I shall retrieve Soundwave on my own! If you are needed I will call for backup so be prepared!" He yelled getting up from his throne and walking to the ground bridge. He just prayed that Soundwave was still functional.


He gasped a bit at the memory touched that his lord tried his best to retrieve him. Megatron on the other hand saw Soundwave's childhood with Shockwave, his journey through the Gladiator pits and his struggles leading up to present day. Again one memory stuck out to the leader.

*~ Soundwave's memory:
He was chained and bleeding Energon after recently being beaten by his capture. He had seen His symbionts be killed in front of him. His hope was slowly slipping, he still had Ravage and Laserbeak but the twins were incredibly important as well. All he could do was hang there and bleed.

He wished someone would come and rescue him, particularly Megatron or Shockwave since they were the main two who would help him during his pain. He heard the door open and saw a shadow.
"P-please n-no more," he begged. But nothing happened the mech stood in front of him and began to undo his chains.
"It's okay Soundwave it's me," a familiar voice said. Megatron. He wrapped his weak arms around his leader and cling to his body as he started crying.
"There gone and it's all my fault! They were my symbionts and I let them die!" He cried. Megatron hugged him back for support.
"It's okay it wasn't your fault, now let's get you out of here," Megatron stated.


They both gasped as the connection settled in their sparks. Finally they were bonded. They lied in each other's arms happy that they were finally together and in love.
" 'Tron I want you to promise me something," The purple mech said.
"Yes my Queen?" Megatron answered.
"No matter what happens, you'll always be by my side," Soundwave responded.
"Always my love," The silver mech stated. They fell asleep in each other's arms and for the first time in a while, they were each truly happy.

Aaaahhhhh yes it's done and I am in tears. I love writing this it's an emotional rollercoaster to write and they are finally bonded! Can I get a hell yeah?! But luckily for you guys the story is far from over and there is much more to come! 😂👋🎉

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