Just a normal day on the Nemesis...

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Italics - Soundwaves thoughts

It was average day on the Nemesis. As usual, Soundwave was stood in front of the large monitor, decoding relics for his lord. He was about half way done with his work, when Starscream decided to enter the main control room, whining about their leader. "Honestly he thinks he's so high and mighty, I would obviously make a better leader than him!" he complained. Soundwave turned ever so slightly to see the seeker with his wings raised high as his fists clenched. Soundwave turned back around, rolling his optics behind his visor. 'Bet you wouldn't say that to his face though, stupid seeker' he thought. Trying to drown out the annoying voice behind him, Soundwave continued with his work. "Whatever," Starscream said. "Soundwave do you have those reports for Lord Megatron?" he continued. Soundwave just pointed to a large stack of data pads near the monitor near him. "What ya have nothing better to do?" Starscream said, rolling his optics and grabbing the huge stack of data pads. Soundwave turned slightly to see the seeker struggling to keep his balance with the data pads in his servos. 'Come on Screamer do make my day and fall to the ground like the pathetic piece of scrap you are' Starscream the fell flat on his aft, with all of the data pads surrounding him on the floor. Luckily, Soundwave caught this all on video. 'This will be some great blackmail' Starscream then lifted himself off the ground and proceeded on his way to Lord Megatron's office.

A couple of Earth hours later, Megatron and Starscream came back into the main control room having one of their usual arguments about a mission that backfired on them. Megatron had sent some Vehicons and Starscream to retrieve a relic but the Autobots had got to it first. The seeker had returned saying how idiotic the plan had been and this had started to annoy their Lord. "Honestly did you really think that was going to work?! Even a sparkling could have made a better plan than that!" Starscream screeched. "Shut it you pathetic little seeker or else!!" Megatron bellowed. However, Starscream didn't get the message and carried on getting on their leaders nerves. "ME PATHETIC OH YES JUST LIKE YOUR STUPID PLAN TO DESTROY THE AUTOBOTS!!" Starscream screamed. This was the last straw from the seeker and Megatron growled and spun round and wacked Starscream across the room. Soundwave and the rest of the drones in the room stared at the scene with amusement. Soundwave even started to record the fight (for blackmail, obviously).Then, Megatron grabbed the second-in-command by the neck and slammed him against the wall. "IF YOU EVER DISRESPECT ME AGAIN I WILL RIP OUT YOUR SPARK AND THROW YOU OFF THE SHIP, DO YOU UNDERSTAND?!" Megatron yelled. The seeker struggled to loosen the grip on his throat, however he failed. Pathetic! Honestly how many times do you need to be punched to learn not to be disrespectful to Megatron?! "Y-yes m-master!" Starscream screamed. He was then dropped to the floor as Megatron rolled his optics and walked towards Soundwave and the Vehicons. The Vehicons started to cower in fear while Soundwave just stood there waiting patiently for his lord's commands. "Soundwave apologies for the disruptions, how far along are we with decoding the relics?" Megatron asked. 'Productivity levels: 75%', Soundwave's visor read. Megatron grinned showing his sharp derma and replied, " Excellent, carry on Soundwave." With that, he turned and left the control room. Soundwave just stared at where his lord had just been in confusion. Did Megatron just compliment his work? He never did that, like ever. Although, he was the only one on the ship who actually did work but his lord hadn't complimented him before. So why now?

Soundwave soon snapped out of his train of thought and carried on with his work. He carried on working for the rest of his shift until it was time to head to his berthroom. Once he stepped into the room he ejected, Laserbeak and Ravage. Soundwave lied on his berth whilst his symbionts rested next to his sides. Soundwave still thought about his lord's behaviour in the control room. Why would he compliment my work now and not the times before? What has changed? Soundwave was starting to get frustrated over why he couldn't figure out what was on Megastron's mind. Of course it was no secret the two of them were old friends and ex gladiators but that was a long time ago. Soundwave supposed he should not questions Lord Megatron's statement and forget about the whole incident as it wasn't his problem. It's not like things are going to change between him and Megatron. However little did Soundwave know that things were going to take an interesting turn in his and his lord's relationship.

Hey guys hope you enjoyed my first chapter! Sorry it's not very long but the next one will be longer!

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