What is this feeling?

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The next morning Soundwave woke up feeling very hungover. And very confused still. He didn't know why but what happened between him and Megatron had shocked him a lot. He wasn't good with the whole emotions thing, like at all. However he got up, went to the washracks and headed for another day at work.

As he walked through the halls, he saw a few still passed out Vehicons and a lot of empty cubes. He carefully stepped over them and carried on to the main control room. Once there he went to his monitor and started to work. The room was empty so it was very peaceful and it allowed Soundwave's thoughts to drift. He had to talk to someone about these feelings but who? Definately not Knockout and Breakdown, the whole ship will know in about 5 minutes. Not Starscream because well...it's Starscream. Not Dreadwing because he won't have a clue about these types of feelings. He most definately could NOT go to Megatron. So that left one mech, Shockwave.

Shockwave would tease him yes but he's his brother so he will help Soundwave figure these things out. He decided to go and see him after his shift.
*Shockwave can I come and talk to you about something after my shift* the slient 'con asked through comm.link.
*Sure I'll be in my lab* his brother answered.

Suddenly his thoughts were interrupted by a mech entering the control room. It was Lord Megatron.
"Soundwave what are you doing working? Everyone has the day off today," his lord asked. Soundwave looked blankly at the warlord and nodded and went to leave. Before he could he saw Megatron sigh and go sit down on his throne. Once he had left, he comm.ed his brother.
*Actually Shockwave change of plan I'm coming now*
* Okay I'm in my berthroom* his brother replied. Soundwave carried on to the scientists berthroom.

When he got there, he knocked and went in. Shockwave was sat at a desk with plans of a new experiment, writing down ideas.
"So to what do I owe this pleasure brother?" The one-eyed 'con asked. Soundwave took his visor off and sat down on the berth.
"Well I need advise, you know I don't do well with emotions and something happened last night that I need to get off my chestplate and get help on what to do about it," Soundwave sighed. Shockwave turned in his chair and look at his younger brother concerned.
"Okay go ahead," The scientist said, gently.
"Right so after we finished dancing and everyone said goodnight, I went up to the flight deck and sat there with my visor off. Then Lord Megatron came and we talked for a while but then we both went silent. And he kissed me and for some reason I kissed him back," the communications officer answered. Shockwave looked suprised.
"Thats not even it, after that happened I ran off leaving him there. I didn't know what else to do," Soundwave added, on the verge of tears. The older 'con got up and brought Soundwave into his arms and hugged him.

They sat like that for a bit, Shockwave comforting his younger sibling. In all his life he had never seen Soundwave break down like this and to be honest it scared him. The usually emotionless 'con was a tearful mess infront of him. Later on, Soundwave calmed down and sat with his brother.
"I'm sorry about this," The smaller 'con whispered. Shockwave looked down at him.
"It's fine Sounds, you're not used to these feelings. I think Megatron does like you, heck he might even love you but you just need to find out how you feel about him. Don't forget if you need me I'm right here whenever you need me," Shockwave reassured. Soundwave nodded and walked back to his room, putting his visor back on.

As he walked down the dark hallway of the Nemesis, he began to think about his feelings.
'I mean I do look up to him and I aspire to be like him but is there something else?' He thought. Once in his berthroom, he collapsed on the berth and stared at the roof.

/With Megatron/

As he watched his third-in-command leave the control room, Megatron couldn't help but feel depressed. Soundwave had pretty much rejected him on the flight deck. After so many years of fighting, killing cybertronians and losing friends, he had never felt as truly helpless and sad as he did right then. 'Should have just kept watching from afar, at least then he couldn't leave me in dispair' he thought to himself.

The warlord had loved Soundwave ever since he layed eyes on him in their first fight in the pits of Kaon. He had pinned after the slient 'con for eons. He even deemed Soundwave the love of his life but now those feeling had been crushed in a few seconds.
"Oh Soundwave why don't you love me? I would destroy planets for you. I would love you 'til the end of time and yet you still push me away. I will someday have you, that much I swear," he said, sitting in his throne.

Hey guys hope you enjoyed this chapter. Some heart to heart with the 'Wave brothers, a confused and sad Soundwave and a depressed and determind Megatron. Anyway see you in the next chapter!

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