Woken love and a new friend

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Soundwave woke up to an unfamiliar setting. He sat up and looked around, he was in Medbay. Besides him was Megatron who was still unconscious on the medical berth. Soundwave sighed, kissed Megatron on the cheek and left for work. As he walked down the hallway, a bunch of Vehicons and Eradicons went passed, all of the nodding to him and saying 'sir'. Which left the poor spy confused. Why were they acting like he was important? He didn't let it bother him and he carried on walking to the control room.

When he arrived, the drones and soldiers bowed as he walked by. He was very confused. Shockwave and Dreadwing were there and talking to each other.
*What's with the Vehicons?* he asked his brother over comm.link. The scientist turned to him.
"Well Soundwave after you beat Starscream's aft yesterday your the new temporary leader until Lord Megatron wakes up," Shockwave answered. The silent 'con stood in shock.
"Well what are you waiting for? Go and sit on the throne you idiot," The one-eyed con added. Soundwave hesitated for a moment before walking to the throne and sitting on it, barely on the seat legs crossed and arms on the arm rest. He saw Knockout and Breakdown enter and each of them smiled as they saw him sat on the throne, finally getting the praise he deserved.
"Commander Soundwave I came to ask permission to go for a drive," Knockout stated.
"Permission: granted," Soundwave said with his secondary vocaliser. They both left and Soundwave silently sighed. This was going to be a long day.

/Time skip/

Soundwave had left the Nemesis to go for a flight, leaving Dreadwing and his brother in charge. Shockwave had been spending a lot more time with the blue mech and Soundwave thought that the scientist felt something for this mech. Or it was just his mind playing tricks and they are just friends, either way he was happy for his older brother.

He landed at the edge of a forrest on a large hill. Today had been odd for him, he wasn't used to the attention of others. He usually worked and was left in peace. That's the way he liked it. But things had changed, not that being Megatron's lover was a bad thing. However, the sudden attention on him was a little nerve racking.

Then, he heard something behind him. He rose to his pedes and unleashed his tenticles. He really couldn't be bothered fighting Autobots today, but if he needed to he would. An orange and white colour sceme came into Soundwave's vision: it was the Autobot medic. He came forwards with his arm held slightly up.
"Soundwave I don't wish to fight I merely came to relax," he said. The silent con put away his tenicles and stared at the bot.
"Statement: I do not wish to fight either.
Reason: Extremely exhaused." Soundwave replied. Ratchet nodded and joined him as they sat on the ground looking at the sun set.
"You know you really did a number on my mate," the medic stated. The third in command looked at him. The medic must be Optimus' lover because he hadn't fought any other Autobot recently.
"Well he did damage to my lover, who is still unconscious," Soundwave said in his regular voice. Ratchet gasped not only because of Soundwave's voice but also because the con was Megatron's mate.
"I'm sorry he can't control his anger sometimes," Ratchet apologized.
"It's fine, they fight often, I should have seen this coming eventually," Soundwave shrugged off.
"Soundwave don't act as if everything is fine, I know you have had a lot of pain from this! I've had patients like that before and they end up having large emotional breakdowns all the time. It's okay to be mad, I would be too if someone did that to Optimus," the medic replied. To say the silent con was shocked by his outburst was an understatment.
"Ratchet.... it's okay Shockwave said the same thing and I know that. Honestly I was angry and upset but I've pushed through it. But that doesn't mean when he wakes up I won't be there telling him off for almost offlining himself," Soundwave answered. Ratchet felt silghtly embarressed for his outburst.
"Sorry Soundwave I'm just used to doing that. All of the Autobots are really stubborn especially Optimus and that's the only way to get through to them..... well that or a wrench," Ratchet sighed, laughing slightly. Soundwave chuckled with him.
"Yeah well I guess we both have stubborn mate's," the communications officer replied. They laughed and continued to talk about their lovers.

/With the decepticons/

Knockout and Breakdown were relaxing in Medbay, the red con resting on the bigger mechs chest.
"Oh Breaky I love you," the medic said.
"Come on K.O your makin' me blush over here," the blue mech replied.

Megatron's body was still on the medical berth hooked up to less machines than when he first arrived. He was shining brighter than most stars in solar systems. That was Knockout's doing, he didn't want Lord Megatron to have a speck of dirt on his frame when he was in his Medbay.

Suddenly, the two mechs froze where they stood when they heard a very familiar voice yell, "SOUNDWAVE!!". Lord Megatron had awoken.

Oof hello again this is a little short but oh well. Anyway I hoped you enjoyed it and this will be a start of something I have planned..... but it's a secret 🤫🤫🤫🤫 Right ByYyYyYeEeE!!!!!

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