Chapter 31: All for you

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I wake up in the recovery room.

"How are you feeling?" I hear someone ask

"Alright." I say

The person stands up and walks over to my bed. I look over. My mom.

"Weres Caleb?" I ask her

"He's working." she says

"Can he come visit me today?" I question

"Sure." my mom answers

"Is the sugery finished now?" I ask

"Yes." she says simply

I stuggle to sit up. Once I've sat up, the doctor walks in to the room.

"How are you feeling Miss Matthews?" he asks me

"I'm fine. Thank you for doing my surgery." I say

"Its my job." he says

My mother thanks him and he exits the room.

"Do you want something to eat?" she asks me

"Um... sure." I say

She leaves the room. I hear a knock at the door. Caleb walks into the room.

"Hey babe." he says walking towards me

"Hey." I say leaning in to give him a kiss

"How'd it go?" he asks

"Good." I say

"When's you're release?" he ask me

"I'm not sure. I hope soon." I say

"Oh I almost forgot." he says while taking a little box out of his pocket

He hands me a little box wrapped in purple wrapping paper and a little red bow on top.

"What's this?" I ask him giggling

"Open it." he says

Inside was a charm bracelet and a little note. I open the note and read it.

Dear Chloe,

I've known you for about a month now. You were the first person that I met here and you made it feel like home. I can not tell you how much I love you. I never thought I'd meet someone like you. You're one of a kind and I'm so happy to have you in my life. Just know that I'm here for you and I'd do anything for you.

Yours always,

Caleb ♥♥

"Caleb, this is so sweet. Thank you so much! I love it." I say

"It's all for you." he says

He leans over and kisses me again. Just then, my mom walks through the door with some food. She brings it over to me.

"Mr Prior." she says to Caleb

"Ms Matthews." he says

"When am I being released?" I ask my mom

"In about 3 days." my mom says

"Ok." I answer simply

"Well, I better get back to work." Caleb says

"I'll miss you." I say

"I'll miss you too." he says

He gives me a kiss.

"Love you." he says

"Love you too." I say

He exits the room. I take the food and start eating it.

"What's that?" my mother asks me pointing to the box

"Nothing." I say trying to hide the box

"Come on." she says

"It's a gift from Caleb." I say

"That was nice of him." she says

"Ya." I say

She takes the empty plate of food from me and throws it into the trash.

"I'm getting tired." I say

"Alright. You can go to sleep now. Hope you sleep well." she says

"Thanks." I say

I get comfortable in the bed and my mom gives me a kiss on the forehead. I close my eyes and fall asleep.

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