Chapter 17: Old memories

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I woke up in my room at Erudite, in the soft bed that I had come to like. I then heard a knock at my door. My mother walked in and sat on my bed.

"How are you feeling?" she asked

"Alright." I say

She gives a little smile.

"Whats going on?" I ask

"What do you mean?" she responds back

"The last thing I remember was talking to you and then everything going black." I say

"Oh you must have had a nightmare." she says looking concerned

I slowly slide out of bed and stand up. She embraces me in a hug and I hug back trying to make it seem real, but the truth was that I had no feelings towards her. She was pure evil.

"Lets go downstairs, I prepared you're favourite breakfast." she said

I exited my room and she closed the door behind us. We walked down the hallway and down the many stairs. There sitting on the table was an array of my favourite foods.

I sat down and started eating immediatly. I enjoyed the breakfast that my mother had prepared. Everything was like it used to be. It felt like home even though at the same time it didn't feel like home anymore. After breakfast, I walked upstairs and went into my room. I changed into my everyday clothes and fixed my hair. After I was done, I walked downstairs to find my mother waiting for me. She fixed my labcoat so it looked professional and then we headed out. The driver was waiting in the driveway for us. We then got into the car and drove to the Erudite compound.

As we got there, we were greeted by some people.

"Good morning Jeanine." says an Erudite boy named Zachary

"Good morning Zachary." my mother says

I then follow my mother up the stairs and towards the mixing rooms. She holds the door opened for me and closes it once I have entered. I sat down at the counter and my mother sat down next to me. She opened a textbook and I sat quietly. I honestly don't know how I was holding myself together but I needed to make my mother think I trusted her again. She passed the textbook towards me and I started to read the information.

After, we started mixing a new serum. It was used to knock people unconscious without injuring them. My mother had asked for my help and no matter how much I didn't want to help her, I needed to show that I was being involved. She seemed much more calm knowing that I trusted her again but the truth was, I still didn't.

After mixing the new serums, I walked to the library and picked out a book. I had been studying the history of the faction system. As I was choosing my book, I saw a boy that looked to be my age. I had never seen him before. He probably transferred from his old faction to Erudite. I decided to start a conversation with him. I tapped him on the shoulder and he turned around to face me.

"Hi, I'm Chloe." I say extending my hand to shake his

"Hi, I'm Caleb." he says while shaking my hand

"So, did you transfer?" I ask

"Yes, from Abnegation." he said

That was rare that someone from Abnegation would transfer to Erudite. After all our factions had a rivalry.

"How are you liking Erudite?" I ask him

"I'm liking it. It's certainly better than at Abnegation." he says

"Was Abnegation bad or something?" I ask

"No, it's just I'm allowed to have my own life rather than help others. My sister always told me I was born to be in Abnegation but I thought I wasn't selfless enough." he says

"Oh, well you do seem like a very kind person." I say

"Thanks, you as well." he replies back

I smile at him. He is one of the nicest people I have ever met in Erudite.

"You look familiar." he says

"Well Jeanine Matthews is my mother." I say

"Oh really? You do kind of look like her." he says

I frown a little bit when he says that.

"Did I say something wrong?" he asks

"Oh no. It's just everyone always compares me to my mother and they think that all I want to do is hunt down Divergents too, but I would give anything not to be her exact look alike." I say

"Oh, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you or anything." he says

"Oh it's alright. I've gotten used to it." I say

We both laugh at the same time and he smiles at me. I then notice that there seems to be something about him that can not make me not like him.

"We should hang out sometime." he says

"Yea, that would be nice." I say happily

"Meet me back here tomorrow, around the same time?" he asks

"Perfect." I say smiling

"Well, I'll see you tomorrow." he says stepping in to give me a hug

"Bye." I say also embracing him in a hug

Then he picks up his books and walks out of the library. I then think to myself, everything that has happened today remind me of my old memories with Connor. Caleb and Connor had the same personality and same features. I thought, if I couldn't enjoy the rest of my life with Connor, maybe I could with Caleb.

After I exited the library, I walked down to the lobby of the headquarters and waited for my mother to arrive. Once she arrived, we went outside and got into the car. The car ride home was quiet and we reminded quiet until we got home. After we got out of the car, my mother thanked the driver and motioned for me to go inside the house.

"Dinner will be ready in an hour so I'll call you when it's ready." she said

"Okay." I reply as I drop my things off in the hallway

I walk upstairs to my room and close the door behind me. I walk over to my computer and check my message. Then I saw that there was a message from Caleb.

Dear Chloe,

I had a great time with you today. I haven't really made many friends but out of all of them, you're by far my favourite! I can't wait to see you tomorrow! Here's my address so we can hang out! I am in apartment 3, dorm room B. Feel free to write me anytime! :)


After reading Caleb's message, I immediately wrote him back. I got his message request and we talked until my mother called me for dinner.

At dinner, I ate quietly and tried to avoid conversation with my mother. She would eventually talk to me, but it wasn't the same as before. After dinner, I went back upstairs and talked to Caleb some ore before heading off to bed. I got ready for bed and slipped in and fell asleep.

Jeanine Matthews daughter [Divergent]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz