Chapter 29: We have our seperate ways

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I wake up and get out of bed. I didn't really want to get out of bed but I knew I had to. My shoulder was getting better but it still hurt a lot. I put on my blue clothes and put some makeup on. I then went downstairs and made myself some breakfast. My mom came downstairs a couple minutes later. She made herself a cup of coffee and sat down at the table.

"Are you alright?" she asks me

"Ya, why?" I ask her

"You seemed really upset last night." she says

"I just needed sometime for myself." I say

She walks towards me and gives me a hug.

"As long as you're alright." she says

"Ya I'm fine." I say

"Well, Alexander should be waiting outside soon." she says

"Ok." I say

She washes the coffee cup and puts it in the dishwasher. She then leads me towards the entrance and out the door. Alexander was waiting outside.

"Morning Jeanine." he says

"Good morning Alexander." she says

He opens the door for us and we get in and drive off to the compound. Once we arrive, I get out of the car and walk into the compound. I would normally meet Caleb but not anymore. I walked past the science lab while I was walking. I saw Caleb with some other Erudite's. They were working on a new serum. I just continued walking. I decided to go to the medical centre and see of my shoulder was any better. Once I arrived, I booked a checkup for the next day. I already knew I would have to get surgery on my shoulder. After I was finished, I went to go work for a little bit.

After about 4 hours of work, I decided to go stop for a break. I went to the dining hall and picked up my lunch to go. I went outside to the park to go eat. It was really quiet without Caleb with me. As I was finishing my lunch, I walked back in to the compound. I saw Caleb and immediately tried to avoid him. He walked up to me.

"Chloe, can I talk to you?" he asks

"No." I say

I try to walk away but he grabs my arm and turns me around to face him.

"What's you're problem?" he asks

"I don't want to talk to you." I say

"Why not?" he asks

"Cause I don't want to." I say

He looks hurt but I'm not going to forgive him that easily. I escape his grasp and continue walking away in the opposite direction. I didn't want anything to do with him at that moment. I continued to work for a little while longer. A couple hours after I worked, I went to go talk to my mom. Once I got to her office, I heard someone talking to my mom. Caleb? I decide to listen to their conversation.

"I can't accept this job." he says

"Why?" she questioned him

"It's just a very difficult time right now." he says

"Does this have something to do with Chloe?" she asks

"Yes. I think I've hurt her." he says

"Well, Caleb, this is a very brave thing for you to do but when you joined Erudite, you did realize it wasn't to make relationships." she says

"I understand Jeanine, but I just can't live with myself knowing that she's upset and she won't talk to me." he says

I can't believe that he would do that for me.

I couldn't let him turn down an opportunity like that. I burst into the room. Caleb and my mom looked shocked.

"Caleb, you can't do that." I say

"What?" he questions

"I can't let you turn down an opportunity like that. I'm sorry I've been a bitch lately." I say

"It's not you're fault!" he says

"I'm sorry." I say

"I'm sorry." he says as well

I give him a hug and he kisses me on the forehead.

"You were saying mr Prior?" my mom asks Caleb

"Never mind." he says

"Alright." she says

Caleb reaches for my hand and we walk out together. He turns to me once we exit the office.

"Promise we'll try to never fight again like that?" he asks

"Promise." I say giving him a kiss

"Love you." he says

"Love you too!" I say

"What are you doing tomorrow?" he asks

"I have my surgery booked for my shoulder tomorrow." I say

"Ok. I'll make sure to come check up on you after you're surgery." he says

"Thanks." I say

It was almost time for me to go home. Caleb walked me to the lobby and gave me a finally kiss and hug before going back to his dormitory.

"Ready to go?" my mom asks

"Ya." I say

We meet the driver and get in the car. Once we arrive at home, my mom prepares dinner. Once it's finished, I sit down at the table and eat the food that was prepared. After dinner was finished, I helped clean up and went upstairs to go get ready for bed. Once I was finished, I got into bed and fell asleep.

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