Chapter 5: Faction Tests

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Today was the day where every initiate, faction born or transfer, had to see if they were worthy to stay in the faction of their choosing. If not, they would become factionless and live that way for the rest of their life.

I quitely waited in the waiting room for my name to be called.

The room eventually started to clear out as everybody got tested and were able to leave.

Finally an Erudite teacher came out.

"Chloe Matthews." she said

I got up and followed her into the room. It was huge, with one chair in the middle. There were a bunch of monitors set up and all the faction leaders standing in groups.

"They can see your hallucinations on the screen." the Erudite women stated.

The Erudite council were all gathered around the monitors. They wanted to put all the initiates through a fear simulation and see if they would use their knowledge rather then their physical skills.

I took a seat in the chair. The Erudite women injected a serum into my neck.

"Good luck Chloe." she said

I started to feel dizzy and then the my mind went blank.

I woke up on top of a large building. Once I got up, I saw another building but the only way across was on a thin rope.

I was terrified of heights.

I realized that if I was too afraid, I'd panic and fall off the rope.

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. I started to slowly walk across the thin rope. It started to wobble a bit and I immediatly tensed up.

I was only 5 metres away from getting to the end. I finally took my last step onto the platform. I closed my eyes for a minute just to recover and now I was in a boat in the water. I tried turning around but I saw that there were 4 sharks circling the boat.

I only had a paddle and if I made any sudden movement the sharks would come after me. I decided to start paddling slowly. I noticed that there was another boat in the distance but it wasn't very close.

I thought about how I could try and get to the other boat. Once I had paddled away from the sharks, some high waves started to form. I tried to stay above the water but the waves came crashing over the boat and pulled me under.

I then found myself faced infront of my mother. There was a yound girl sitting, tied to a chair infront of me.

"You know what to do." she said

"What?" I questioned

"She's Divergent. Kill her." she said

My mother handed me a loaded gun. I knew there was no getting out of this. I took the gun from my mother's hand, and pointed it towards the girl. She looked extremly frightened, basically crying.

I saw a tear escape from her eye and I had to look away.

"Do it." my mother ordered

I put my finger on the trigger and pressed it back. I heard the gun shoot and I looked back to see the girl dead on the ground, blood pouring out of her head.

I felt so guilty, I closed my eyes and when I opened them, I was back in the testing room. My mother approached me as I walked down the steps.

"You did well." she said

"Thanks." I say

I am escorted out by a Dauntless member.

I'm glad that was over.

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