Chapter 6: Master plans

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When I came down in the morning, I heard my mothers voice and some man.

I decided to listen to their conversation.

"I will be at Dauntless headquarters to give the members the tracking devices." she says

"Ok. Whatever you need done, we will do." he says

"I can't let anymore Abnegations hide the Divergents. They won't follow the rules, so they'll pay the price." she says

"And what are you planing to do?" ask the man

"Kill the ones who don't follow the rules." she says almost sounding happy

"I agree, the Abnegations have been out of control and that they must be stopped." he says

"Well it was good talking to you Eric. I have to go check on my daughter." she says

I quickly ran up to my room and jumped into bed and pulled the covers over my head.

I heard the door open and my mothers heels clack on the hard wood floor.

"Chloe." she says

I pretend to be asleep and turn over in my bed.

"You have to start getting ready. You have to go to the initiates meeting. The initiates meeting was where the initiates found out if they made it in the faction they chose. Only the top 10 people made it into Erudite even though there was 30 initiates.

I stayed in bed making sure that my mother didn't think I heard her conversation.

She went over to my closet and picked out a typical outfit and layed it on my bed. She then sat down and she started trying to wake me up.

"Chloe get up." she demanded

I slowly started to get out of bed.

Once I had gotten up, I had breakfast, brushed my teeth and hair and got into the car.

Once we got to the compound, all the initiates waited for the meeting to start.

My mother walked up on the stage.

"You have all been working very hard these past few months and now we will see who has made it into Erudite."

She started reading out a list of the people who made it in.

1. Chloe Matthews (Born)

2. Ryan Sailor (Born)

3. Caleb Prior (Transfer)

4. Kaitlyn Ferro (Transfer)

5. Sophia Tarsen (Born)

6. Autumn Vesper (Born)

7. Emma Slater (Transfer)

8. Mya Emerson (Transfer)

9.Tyler Kennedy (Transfer)

10. Grayson Caplor (Born)

Once the names were called, all the members who didn't make it went to their dorms and collected their things. They would live factionless for the rest of their lives.

My mother came and approached me.

"I have to go to Dauntless." she said

"Okay. When will you be back?" I ask

"Before 10." she says

It was 4pm now.

After she left, I decided to follow her so I could see what she was doing.

She got into a car as her driver drove away. I was hiding behind a plant.

After she left, I requested for a car to take me to Dauntless.

I watched the Erudite compound disapear. The ride was about 10 minutes.

Once I got to Dauntless, I exited the car and decided to walk around, hoping I wouldn't get caught.

I finally saw my mother in the Dauntless pit with all the Dauntless members lined up. She injected something into each one of their necks. After she was done, all the Dauntless cleared out of the pit. The same man that she was talking to before was talking to her again.

"I have trained the members so they will be able to eliminate the Abnegation members that don't follow the rules." he says

"Good." she replies

"I must be going." she says

"Alright. I suppose I'll see you at Abnegation." he says

"See you then." she says

Then she walks out. I hurry back out to the cars and tell the driver to bring me to Abnegation.

Once I get to Abnegation, I hurry to go find Connor. He was in his house cleaning the furniture.

"Connor, I am so glad I found you." I say

"Is something wrong?" he asks

"Yes. My mother have the Dauntless under control and she's making them kill the Abnegation that don't follow the rules." I say very sadly.

"What? When is this happening?" he asks

"I am not sure but I really need you to warn the Abnegation members that they are unsafe." I say

"Okay. Thanks for coming Chloe." he says

"I have to go before my mother realizes that I'm gone." I say

"Okay bye." he says and gives me a big hug.

"Bye. Good luck. Stay safe." I say before leaving.

I rush to find a car and tell the driver to bring me to Erudite.

Once I arrive, I rush home to try and get there before my mother.

I run up the stairs and into my room when I see my mother sitting on my bed. It was about 9:30, but she had gotten home early.

"Where were you?" she asks

"Ummm.... I was on a walk." I lie

She gets up and walks towards me.

"Don't lie to me." she says

"I'm not." I say

She sighs. She can read me like a book. Everytime I get nervous, she senses it.

"You were walking by yourself?" she asks

"Ya." I say sounding unsure

"Okay, sorry for accusing you." she says and walks out

I keep thinking to myself if there was a way she could have seen me.

I just decided to shrug it off and go to bed.

Jeanine Matthews daughter [Divergent]Where stories live. Discover now