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12:13 a.m.

"What?!" Becky asked before she felt the whole world begin to spin around her. Seth shot up the instant he noticed what was happening beside him. Before he knew what was going on he was escorted from the room. Everything was a blur as he was pulled away from the redhead who was in distress. Seth had no clue what was happening until he stopped in the middle of the room full of superstars.

Roman grabbed him before guiding the shocked man outside. The two moved to a secluded area before Roman watched Seth slump into a wall before collapsing to the ground. His breathing was extremely shallow and rapid. When the older man saw tears begin to fall to the pavement his back turned towards his best friend, simply giving the man the space he needed to let out his emotions.

It was nearly twenty minutes later that Roman heard Seth finally take a normal breath. He was helped to his feet before the older man spoke.

"Whats going on Colby?" Seth signaled for him to give him a second before he darted towards the nearest trash can and emptied his stomach.

"Colby!" Renee said as she found the two men. His head immediately shot towards her. "Becky's asking for you." Roman handed him a piece of gum before nudging him towards the hospital entrance. As Seth walked back down the hallway towards Becky's room the other two walked back towards the waiting room. "Any idea what the fuck is going on?" Roman shook his head.

"Not a fucking clue but whatever it is it's huge..." He replied before they went back to waiting with the others.

"Why are you chewing gum? You never chew gum." Becky said instantly as Seth walked into the quiet room.

"I puked in a garbage can outside." He said before he was pulled down on the edge of her bed. "What happened Bex?" He said quietly as his body turned towards her.

"It was just kinda a lot to take in." She whispered before she felt his hand take hers. "I'm alright now though." His lips met her knuckles.

"You sure Love?" She nodded as she laced their fingers.

"It was just a panic attack Colby." It was then that she tugged on his hand. As his eyes met hers he knew exactly what she wanted. Slowly he adjusted so he was laying on his side next to her on the bed. As his arm slipped beneath her head she turned slightly before her face buried into his shoulder.

"I love you." He said softly as his nose buried into her red locks.

"I love you too." His lips met her temple as his free arm draped around her.

"Did they say why you collapsed? I kinda blacked out." She nodded.

"Dehydration and exhaustion." He pulled away slightly as his fingers moved to stray along her cheek. "Don't say it. Both of our schedules are hectic I'm surprised you haven't passed out." He shook his head before his lips met her forehead. The two sat in silence for the longest time before she felt a hand slip to her stomach. Her hand gently moved to rest atop his.

"The baby also played a part in this." Carefully his fingers laced with hers. "We're both okay though Love." His lips met hers for a moment. "They want to do an ultrasound soon though." His eyes met hers before she saw the concern fill them. "Its just to see how far along and all that shit. She's fine, while you were throwing up I got to hear her heartbeat."

"Bexxx.." He whined before her lips connected with his as she laughed happily. "Are you alright with this?" Her eyes met his before her fingers squeezed his.

"More than Love. I'm ecstatic." His lips met the top of her head before they heard a knock at the door. He carefully slipped from the bed before they heard a cart being wheeled into the room.

"Good evening Ms. Quin, lets take a look at your little one to see how everything is progressing." The redhead nodded as Seth hand slipped into hers. She was completely calm whereas she felt his hand shaking and could feel how nervous he was.

"Relax Colby." Becky said as the doctor booted up the ultrasound. The redheads gown was adjusted slightly before the cold gel was spread across her stomach. She watched as Seth's eyes were intently watching what was going on in front of them.

"To explain this to the both of you this is a Doppler Ultrasound meaning it gives us a four-d image of the placenta giving us a better picture of everything and depending on how far along you are we can see the gender." Becky's eyes met his carefully.

"If I'm that far along we don't want to know just yet." The doctor nodded with a smile.

"If I can see it I'll put it in an envelope and leave it up to you to decide when to open it." They both nodded at her.

"Thank you." Seth spoke quietly for the first time. The doctor nodded before the probe was pressed against the redheads stomach. As his eyes flicked to the screen Becky's hesitantly followed as she got nervous for the first time. "Holy shit." He said under his breath as she squeezed his hand the second the image of their child appeared on the screen. Their eyes never left the screen as the probe was moved to different spots along the redheads stomach.

"Judging by the looks of everything you seem to be right around twenty weeks and the baby is in the perfect position for me to get a gender. Everything is developing normal and there are no signs of distress anywhere. Your baby is happy and healthy and should continue to develop normal as long as you limit your contact and reduce your workload and strain." Seth gently squeezed Becky's hand knowing exactly what the doctors words met. "Congratulations to the both of you. If you'd both give me a moment I'll go grab you both some pictures and put together that envelope."

The nodded before the machines was powered down and it and the doctor left the room. Her eyes hesitantly met his.

"I have to give up my belt." The words fell from her lips as the realization ripped through her and terrified her at the same time. His lips gently met her knuckles.

"We'll talk to Hunter and Steph and figure this all out Bex." She nodded as a tear slipped from her eye. "Everything will be alright Love." He said softly. She nodded before the doctor returned and set the envelope and pictures on the bedside table with a smile.

"Congratulations again." They both flashed her a smile before she exited the room and closed the door behind her. Becky's head turned before her eyes fell upon the envelope.

"Do we want to just find out now?" His lips brushed her fingers as he shook his head.

"Not yet Bex. But who are we going to tell?" She eyed him.

"No one right now. They don't know." His eyes hesitantly met hers.

"They've probably figured it out yet. Well Joe probably has at least and probably Char. I was a fucking deer in headlights walking into that room." She started to laugh.

"Text Char to come. Once we kick her out text Joe. Neither one of them will tell anyone. Wait actually text Joe first. I have a plan for Char." He raised an eyebrow at her. "Just trust me Colby." He nodded before texting Roman.

"B-b.." They heard Roman protest.

"Sh.." Renee shot back.

"He just wanted me." He stated before the blonde pushed him into the room. "I'm sorry she followed me and I couldn't close the door fast enough." Becky simply laughed before Seth looked between his two best friends. "Well..." Roman started.

"What the fuck is going on?" Renee finished before Seth felt the redhead gently squeeze his hand telling him to talk.

"She's pregnant."

Their mouths instantly dropped.

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