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April 11, 2019
11:52 a.m.

As the key turned in the heavy door Becky couldn't help but allow excitement to take over her body. She could feel Seth's body move closer to her as her hand hit the doorknob. As his lips met her temple her shaky fingers finally opened the door.

"Wow." She said as they finally got the first look at their new house. His arms wound around her as his foot kicked the door closed. "Colby.." She warned before he started to laugh.

"I wasn't trying anything Bex. I know the movers are coming." After Smackdown the two flew back to LA, hired movers and had everything shipped to Chicago the next day. They flew that day to Chicago so they could sign the paper for the house earlier that night. Though it felt like everything was moving at the speed of light neither cared, in fact they couldn't have been more excited for all of it. "I'm just happy Love." Her lips met his cheek before the two explored the house.

It was nearly thirty minutes later that they heard the doorbell ring. The two exchanged a glance before going to get the door. Becky's mouth dropped as a smile grew across Seth's face. Standing in front of them was CM Punk and AJ Lee.

"Whats up Phil?" He was immediately pulled into his hug by the Chicago native. "Long time no see man." As the two men separated Seth was pulled into a hug by the brunette. "How've you been April?"

"Good. Good. We heard you were moving in thought you could use some help." He laughed as they both saw Becky and Punk walk into the house talking about everything. "Found someone that can handle you?"

"Hopefully." She laughed lightly.

"Trust me if she wanted to move here she can handle you." By the time they got into the kitchen there was another ring of the doorbell. Other wrestlers that came to help the two move in filed in the house. Now all they had to do was wait for the moving truck to get there.

11:52 p.m.

"Get the fuck out Char." Becky said completely and utterly exhausted.

"I told her she could stay." Seth said as he flopped down on the couch next to her.

"When does your shit get here?" The redhead asked as the blonde poured wine of for the three of them.

"Next Thursday." The two of them let out a breath.

"Thank god." He said under his breath. As the redhead laughed Charlotte sunk down on the other side of her. "You sure you can handle the snow Charlie?" She glared at him.

"I'm perfectly fine with snow thank you very much." She just about snapped at him. He instantly shut up as Becky looked on shocked. She could tell if it was pure distain or lack of sleep that caused the short outburst. The redhead could feel his body shift uncomfortable with the situation he was in.

"I think I'm gonna head to bed." He said quietly before he carefully moved off the couch. "Night Char. Night Bex." He quickly disappeared upstairs.

"The fuck was that about?" Charlotte asked before Becky looked at her like she was nuts.

"You snapped at him for no fucking reason.." The blonde rolled her eyes. "What is your problem with him Char? He has done nothing wrong to you." Her face was stoic as the redhead tried to read her.

"Do you know who caught him cheating on his first fiancé?" A small shake was given in response. "Do you know how hard it is to forget that when you're with him? I don't trust him Bex. I don't think I ever will, especially with you. If you think I'm going to be nice to him I'm sorry but I won't. He doesn't deserve you Becky. He never will."

Seth heard just about every word that came from the blondes mouth. He had stopped at the top of when he heard the two talking. Quietly he moved into the room his head hung low. Charlotte had never given him the chance to explain. That night he had gotten too drunk to coherently think. One of the girls on the roster took advantage of him. Through small bits of memory he pieces together that Carmella had done it to get back at her then boyfriend who punched him in the face the next day.

He was pacing the room waiting for Becky to come to bed. He watched as the redhead quietly slipped in the room. Immediately her eyes were on him. Her eyes hesitantly scanned him.

"Can I explain?" She looked at him confused before she rolled him about that night. As he finished with the story his hands gently cupped her face. "I would never in a million years ever think about touching anyone else while I'm with you. I would never cheat on you Bex." As she nodded her lips moved to press against his.

"I know Colby." She said quietly as her arms wrapped around him. "Have you ever told her the story?" He shook his head.

"She nor anyone else ever got a chance. She went to my ex before I could even explain and at that time there was no point. I didn't feel like throwing Carmella under the bus nor did I feel like trying to explain something that wouldn't make a difference." She nodded as they shifted to lay on their sides. Before she could even do anything his head was burying into her neck. "Honestly though I don't think she would even believe me if I told her at this point."

"Who else saw what happened?" Becky asked quietly as her fingers threaded in his hair.

"Joe, John, Lexi, Nattie and Hunter." She pulled back slightly so she could look at him.

"Hunter saw it?" He nodded.

"That's why Carmella 'randomly' got suspended for a month." She shook her head before it tucked into his neck.

"You need to sit down and talk with Char one day. Air everything out about this and anything else that's bothering her or you. I want you both on my side which means getting her to like you." His lips met her temple.

"I'll try Bex." She nodded before her head tilted and her lips brushed his jawline.

"Just tell her that Lexi and Nattie saw. Neither one of them will lie about it and if they've forgotten she can always go to Joe or John she knows they'll both tell the truth even if you're their best friend." He chuckled as he nodded.

"What does everyone know that about them?" She nodded. Everyone knew that if Seth were lying about something even if it wasn't truly important Roman or Dean would call him on it. If someone asked them whether or not he was telling the truth they would give them the straight answer. It bit Seth in the ass every time. "God they're assholes sometimes."

"No they're not. If I recall correctly John at some point did tell me that deep down you were hiding some feelings for me in there." His lips brushed along her cheek.

"By the time I told him it wasn't really some feelings." She pulled back before raising an eyebrow at him. "I told him after you stopped dating whats his face. But I had feelings for you way before that." She moved closer to him before her lips met his.

"So did I but when I started dating that asshole you were still engaged.." As her head moved back to its previous position his arms wound around her.

"You should've waited a few weeks..." She rolled her eyes.

"I wouldn't 've been your rebound." He rolled his eyes.

"You could never be a rebound Bex. You are the pot of gold at the end of a rainbow. Takes a long time to get you but fuck is it worth it." Her lips were in his instantly.

"So does that make you a leprechaun or the person that found me?" He started to laugh.

"I'll always be your leprechaun, somebody's got to protect and cherish you."

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