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2:56 p.m.

"Did you really just go through and like all of my instagram posts?" Seth's voice came through the phone before Becky started to laugh.

"Only the cute ones." Charlotte gave her a look before the blonde heard Seths laugh through the phone.

"Over seven hundred notifications. You sure you're not a stalker?" She burst into laughter.

"I was bored what did you want me to do?" She couldn't see him shake his head at her words.

"You could have just called me.." She scoffed.

"And where's the fun in that?" Charlotte looked at the redhead utterly confused.

"I guess there is none.." He said before he heard her tell the blonde who she was talking to. "So what time does your flight land tonight?"

"Two forty-five." He groaned before she started to laugh. "You're picking me up right?" He hummed a yes.

"Unfortunately..." She scoffed.

"You were the one that told me you would." She replied before Charlotte started laughing knowing exactly what they were talking about.

"Yeah but you never told me what time you landed.." Becky started to laugh.

"I thought I was a mute point. Thought you would pick me up no matter the time..." Seth lightly chuckled.

"I'll be there. I just might not be too happy.." The only thing he could hear was her talking to someone but he couldn't make out the words.

"When are you ever happy?" His lips curled up in a smile.

"When I'm with you." A smile grew wide on Becky's face as Charlotte awed overhearing his words. "Tell Char I said hi." There was wrestling on the other end before his phone began to buzz in his ear. As he accepted the FaceTime he saw both women's faces.

"Damn you still look fucked up." Charlotte stated.

"Thaaannks..." He replied sarcastically before both women started laughing. "Oh fuck you both. I'm hanging up."

"Oh come on Colby. Don't be such a baby." Becky replied before the call was dropped.

"Ooh. Someone's salty.." The blonde commented before her eyes met the redheads very confused ones. "Bex?" She shook her head before sitting back in the makeup chair.

Becky was basically silent for the rest of the night.

3:05 a.m.

"Bex." Seth's arm gently slipped around her back as she waited to claim her bag. Becky pushed him away slightly. He looked at her confused before dropping it as he grabbed her suitcase. Though he didn't want to he remained silent with her as they walked to his car. "Bex." He said again once they were both seated. Her arms crossed over her chest as she sunk back into the seat her eyes trained out the window. "I'm sorry for hanging up earlier." She rolled her eyes increasing his confusion.

Seth stayed silent the rest of the ride home. By the time he got the car parked and grabbed her bag he realized that Becky was asleep. Carefully he opened her door before basically catching her sleeping form. She was scooped up before he carried her in the house and up to their bedroom. She was set on the mattress before he dropped her bag and went to leave the room.

"Don't leave." She mumbled before he turned towards her. "I'm not mad at you." He looked at her completely baffled. "Ok I'm kinda pissed off. You hung up out of nowhere and went completely silent. You didn't answer your phone or texts. What do you want me to say? Do you want me to just forget about it because you know that's not me.." He sighed before he moved towards the bed.

"I'm sorry Bex." He saw her roll her eyes. "I turned my phone off because my head and eyes were killing me. I should have said something." She nodded before she sunk back into bed her back turning towards him. "Becky."

"Hmm." He sighed before dropping it.

"Never mind." He said quietly before he slipped into bed behind her. His arm wound around her waist as his front hit her back. She remained unmoving and silent. "I love you." He got no answer back.

For the first time in their relationship, Becky's back was towards him the entire night.

11:15 a.m.

Becky woke up to an empty bed. Slowly she stood before slipping one of his large hoodies over her body. Quietly she went to find him only to see no sign of him. She defeatedly sunk down into the couch before her body curled into a ball and she fell back to sleep.

Nearly an hour later she felt Seth's hand gently move down her side. As her eyes met his a small smile appeared on his face.

"Morning Love." He said softly before she stretched out and pat the couch next to her. He slid in next to her before his arm moved beneath her head acting like a pillow. "Can we talk about last night?" She sighed before her face buried into his neck.

"You hurt me Colby. You've never done that before and it was just completely out of nowhere, especially over something so stupid. I-I just.. It was just a little shocking." His arms gently wound around her waist.

"I'm sorry Becky." Her eyes met his. "I'm just a little self conscious about my face right now and having you both laugh at me kinda hurt." Her lips met his softly. "I promise you, I'll never hang up on you like that again." She nodded before his lips met her cheek.

"Love you Colby." She said softly.

"I love you more Bex." He said quietly as his arms wound tighter around her. Her entire body melted into him as her face buried into his neck. "You wanna do anything today?" She shook her head.

"Nope not at all.." He chuckled softly.

"Good." He could feel her lips meet his skin before she laughed.

"So where were you?" She asked as her arms wrapped around him.

"I left you a note on the fridge.." He said before she looked at him confused. He turned to look at the fridge before he mentally slapped himself. "Well I meant to. Sorry Love." She shook her head.

"Don't worry about it. I get it. So where were you?" She said completely understanding how forgetful a person can be when they have a concussion.

"I went for a walk. I couldn't sleep." Her lips brushed his cheek.

"Sorry." He shook his head. "I guess neither one of us are used to spooning." He started to laugh.

"Not at all. Especially because all I got was a face full of your hair." She lightly laughed before her lips brushed his. "Can we not fight over stupid shit like this again?" She nodded.

"Sounds like a plan Love."

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