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3:00 a.m.

"Hi Love." Seth spoke quietly in Becky's ear before her back relaxed into his front. Gently his arm draped around her before his lips met her shoulder. They both had hoods pulled over their heads preventing anyone from getting a true look at their faces.

"Hey Colby." Sleep was dragging through her words. "Thank you for getting me." His lips brushed her cheek.

"Bex, I'll always come get you. No matter the time." Her fingers gently laced with his.

"This is why I love you." He chuckled lightly before the baggage carrousel sprang to life scaring them both. "Fuck." She muttered before she heard his laughter in her ear.

"Relax Fireball." He said as his hand ran along her arm gently. The two were quiet as they watched bag after bag move in front of them. "That one?" He questioned while gesturing towards a bag before she nodded. Carefully he moved from behind her before grabbing her suitcase. "Let's go home Bex." He said softly before he felt her arm move around his waist. A small smile appeared on her face as his arm slipped around her shoulders.

"How long of a drive is it?" He gently pulled her into him as he felt her shiver from the cold night air.

"About thirty minutes why?" She looked up at him.

"Can we get food? I'm starving." He chuckled softly.

"Didn't eat anything before you left?" She shook her head.

"I haven't eaten since like noon.." He looked at her like she was crazy.

"Yea we can stop Bex." Her lips met his shoulder.

"I'm sorry I wasn't here for your birthday." He shook his head as he gently squeezed her shoulders.

"Don't worry about it Love. There will be many more birthdays for us to spend together." She nodded.

"I'm still making up for it." He chuckled lightly as a smile grew on his face.

"I'm not going to stop you." Her laughter filled his ears as he put her bag in the trunk.

"It's not like you have a choice Colby." She said before he closed the trunk as she climbed into the passengers seat. The second he was in the drivers seat she continued her words. "I've never missed a birthday of somebody I love until yesterday." His eyes met hers before her hands cupped his face. "I'm making up for it no matter what." His lips brushed her wrist as he nodded.

"That's fine by me Love." Her lips met his for a moment. "I love you."

"Love you more Colby." She said before her head moved to rest along his shoulder as he started the car. "I missed you." He chuckled lightly before his lips met the top of her head.

"I missed you too Fireball." He stated before the car was reversed out of the spot. As he drove out of the parking garage she plugged her phone into the radio. "Please put something on that'll keep us both up. I'm fucking tired Bex." Her lips pressed against his shoulder as Twenty One Pilots blasted through the radio. "Oh by the way I got something while you were gone." She raised an eyebrow at him. "You'll see." He said as a smile grew on his face.

"I hope you didn't do anything rash.." She said before he simply laughed as he pulled onto the highway.

"You know that's not me.." He couldn't even contain his sarcasm. It was then that he pulled off of the highway to get food. "You cool with getting out? I've heard this place is amazing." She nodded.

"As long as the foods worth it." She stated before he simply laughed.

"You know I thought by now you would've trusted me with this kind of stuff." He said as they exited the car. She lightly laughed as she slipped beneath his awaiting arm.

"Never said I didn't trust you Love. It's just sometimes your sources aren't accurate.." He rolled his eyes as they walked into the small building.

3:45 a.m.

"Just wait there with your eyes closed." Seth said before Becky heard his feet pad away leaving her on their bed. "Your eyes better be closed." She heard a few minutes later before her hands moved over her eyes as he came back into the room. He set something down in front of her. "Okay. Open your eyes." Her mouth dropped instantly.

"You got a cat?" His eyes met hers hesitantly

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"You got a cat?" His eyes met hers hesitantly.

"Well it kinda found me.." He said quietly. "I went to go for a walk this morning and it was meowing in the bushes. I spent like an hour trying to get him out, then I took him to the vet and he's kinda mine now." He paused for a second. "Well ours now.." A smile grew on her face as the small kitten crawled into her lap. The second his eyes met hers she was smitten.

"You haven't named him right?" Seth shook his head as he moved to sit next to Becky who curled into him. "Good." She said before the kitten moved to curl between the two of them. "You know I was told that you were an animal lover but I never would have thought that I would come home to a cat. A dog maybe but never a cat.." He simply chuckled at her words.

"When an animal finds you, you have to give it a home." He said simply before she shook her head and placed her lips on his. They both felt a small paw on each of their cheeks. "She's mine little man." Seth grumbled before she started to laugh. As the two laid back in bed Becky nestled the kitten between them.

"I get to choose the next animal we get." He chuckled softly as the small animal nuzzled into his beard.

"That's fine by me Bex." He said softly before she nuzzled into him. His arms draped around her before his lips met her temple. "I love you." Her lips brushed his cheek. 

"Love you more Colby."

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